The nurse aide classes located in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania are listed here. For any inquiries about enrolling in a school program, the cost of tuition, or schedules, you can call the phone number provided for the facility below.
Susque-View Home, Inc.
22 Cree Drive,
Lock Haven, PA 17745
(570) 893-5980
Have you ever considered about working as a health care provider? If you have, and are unsure which profession to take, then you should think about becoming a nursing assistant. Training to become a nursing assistant is a quick and easy way to start your career in the field. You can use the training and experience you gather as a nursing aide as a stepping stone for when you want to aim for a higher degree.
All nursing assistants are required to undergo proper training. One way of getting the training that you need is to enroll in a Nurse Aide Training Program (NATP). Because of the recent high demands for nursing assistants, there are now a lot of health care institutions and training facilities that are offering nursing assistant training. When looking for the right program, you must remember to choose one that’s approved by the state’s Department of Education.
The state requires training facilities to offer no less than 80 hours of training. Out of the total number of hours, 37.5 hours must be allocated for supervised clinical practice, while the rest may be for theoretical coursework. Both lectures and clinical practice are done concurrently. Before students are allowed to take care of the patients, they must first spend 16 hours learning about infection control, mental health, basic nursing care, communication skills, safety and emergency nursing procedures, and rights and independence of patients.
Once you are through with your training, you’ll be allowed to submit an application to the American Red Cross (ARC) for the CNA license exams. Taking the license exams is necessary because no nursing assistant is allowed to work for more than 120 days without a license. Having a license will also prove to employers that you are a competent nursing assistant who would be able to give patients the care that they need. If your instructor does not give you an application form, you may download a copy from or call the ARC at (800) 795-2350.
The license exams are divided into two parts – a written test and a manual skills exam. The written exam may be replaced with an oral examination if you have any difficulty with reading. Examinees are required to pass both tests in order to get into the Nurse Aide Registry. In addition, they must also pass both tests within 24 months after completing their training. A nursing assistant candidate who fails to pass within that time will have to start from the top and retrain.
Because of the rapid increase in the number of the elderly in the population, nursing assistants from other states are also transferred to Pennsylvania. A nursing assistant who is currently certified in another state and has been able to maintain a clean record may transfer his certification to Pennsylvania State Nurse Aide Registry. Interested applicants will need to contact the Department of Health at (800) 852-0518.
You can additionally contact Pearson VUE at 1-800-852-0518 for more details about registry requirements. If you have previously trained as a medic or a corpsman in the military, then you are very much welcome to work as a nursing assistant in Pennsylvania. You will still be required to take and pass the nursing assistant license exams before you can start work. The difference is that you will no longer be required to undergo training in a CNA training class.
Lock Haven is the county seat of Clinton County. It is situated near the confluence of Bald Eagle Creek and the West Branch of the Susquehanna River. This city was once a timber town. Now, it is a principal city of the Lock Haven, Pennsylvania micropolitan statistical area. According to the latest census, their total population had reached up to a total of 9,772 people. They have a total area of 2.7 sq miles and a population density of 3,643.9/sq mile.
There are plenty of health care centers that you can find in the city, they include Lock Haven Clinic, Susquehanna Medical Arts Building, Healthcare Receivable Specialists Inc., Hub’s Healthcare, Sun Home Health Services Inc., Haven Healthcare for Women, and Crisis Intervention-Emergency Services for Lycoming & Clinton Counties. photo attribution: ufv