Below you will find all of the available certified nurse aide classes in Castro Valley, California. As of this writing there is only one school providing training within the city of Castro Valley that we could find. However there are many classes available within nearby Oakland, Hayward, and San Leandro.
Castro Valley Adult School
4430 Alma Avenue
Castro Valley, CA 94546
(510) 886-1000
A CNA certification is a requirement to work as a nurse aide in California. Having a certification means that you had received the proper training and successfully passed the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program examination or NNAAP exam. Unlike some careers, there are actually different routes that you can take to become a certified nurse aide.
Completing a CNA Training Program
Receiving training from a Department of Public Health-approved training facility is the most common way of becoming a certified. These programs will teach all there is to know about how to become a competent nurse aide. Because of the number of people who wish to become nurse aides, there are now a lot of programs that are offered throughout the state.
Nurse aide training in this state consists of 50 hours of classroom instructions and 100 hours of supervised clinical practice. Students are taught basic nursing care and procedures, and how to assist the patients with their daily activities like bathing, dressing, eating, exercising, toileting, and ambulating.
Entering a Nursing School
Successfully completing a semester of nursing school will qualify you to take the NNAAP exam. RNs, LPNs, medics, and nursing students and graduates are allowed to directly apply for the NNAAP exam.
National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Exam
This is a two part exam that consists of a 70-item knowledge test and a practical skills test. Individuals who received proper training are the only ones allowed to apply for the exam. Candidates must pass both tests within 2 years after completing their training in order to get a certification.
Applying for Reciprocity
This process is only available to nurse aides who are already certified in another state. This lets the transfer and work in California without any need for testing. To apply, they must have a current certification and a clean record with their state. All applicants are still required to undergo and pass the federal and state criminal background checks with fingerprinting.
Maintaining Your CNA Certification
Your certification must be renewed every 2 years. You must work for at least 8 hours as a paid nurse aide under the supervision of a registered nurse to qualify for renewal. In addition, you must also complete a total of 48 hours of in-service training or continuing education within the 2 years. If you fail to renew your certification you will no longer be allowed to work in a nursing facility as a certified nurse aide.
The city of Castro Valley has a population of 61,388 as of 2010. The city resides in Alameda county and is situated in the East Bay. Eden Medical Center is the main ER hospital with the city limits. photo attribution: codnewsroom