The programs available in Dinuba, CA that teach students how to become certified nurse aides are all listed on this page. The list includes all the current and available classes that you can enroll in. For more information about training cost, schedules, or requirements, call the phone number provided below.
Dinuba Adult School
1327 E El Monte
Dinuba, CA 93618
(559) 595-7242
[AM and PM classes available]
Receiving CNA training in California can be one of the best career choices that you can make. California is one of the best states to be employed as a nursing assistant. The shortage of nurse aides in the state makes it easy for you to find work. It is also one of the states that pay nursing assistants the most. Depending on different conditions, you can make an average of $27, 000 in a year.
Thanks to the OBRA of ’87, the certification processes in all states are generally the same. They involve mainly two things – receiving proper training and challenging the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program to get certified. Both federal and state laws require all nursing assistants be certified to work in a long-term care center or a nursing home.
Nursing assistant training in California takes longer than most states. Training programs in CA require students to complete a minimum of 50 hours of classroom lessons and 100 hours of supervised clinical practice to become eligible to apply for the NNAAP exam. Students are placed under the supervision of a CNA instructor when in the clinical area. They are not allowed to perform any procedure or skill that has not yet been taken up in the classroom.
The NNAAP exam was created to test every aspiring nursing assistant in his/her competency in skill and knowledge as a nursing assistant. It consists of a 70-item multiple-choice written/oral test and a skills evaluation exam. Aspirants must pass both exams to get certified.
Aspirants are only given 3 attempts to pass all the tests. Since the training is only valid for 2 years, all attempts must be used within that time. If you fail your 3rd attempt you will no longer be allowed to reapply unless you complete another 150-hour state-approved training program.
The Aide and Technician Certification Section of the Licensing & Certification Program is responsible for providing those who pass the NNAAP exam their CNA certificate. The certificates usually arrive within 10 days after passing. If you fail to receive yours within 30 days after taking the exam, please contact the CDPH at (916) 327-2445.
This is a city that is part of Tulare County. According to the census of 2010, their population has now reached up to 21,453. Dinuba is also part of the Visalia Metropolitan Statistical Area. It has a total area of 6.5 square miles and a population density of 3,315.8/sq miles.
Examples of health care centers in the city include Sierra Kings Women’s Health Center (559) 591-3630, Shannon Gary W MD (559) 591-2232, and Adventist Health Community Care (559) 591-3342. photo attribution: departmentofed