If you wish to enroll in nursing assistant classes in Oakdale, California you can find the schools that provide this service below. Applicants will need to meet certain requirements in order to qualify for instruction. Call and speak with an associate of the facility to learn how to sign-up and get further details.
Oakdale Adult Education
200 Hinkley Ave
Oakdale, Ca 95361
(209) 847-9609
Nursing assistants are very important members of the healthcare team. They constantly work closely with the patients and mostly help them with their activities of daily living such as bathing, eating, toileting, dressing, exercising, ambulating, and many more. Nursing assistants work under the supervision of registered nurses and other member of the medical team. The tasks that they perform are based on what are delegated by the nurses.
Because of the natures of a nursing assistant’s work, it is important that all nursing assistants receive the proper training. CNA training in California involves spending 150 hours in classroom for lectures and in the clinical area for practical training. Even as a student, you will already be exposed to actual patients and get the feel of how it is to work as a nursing assistant. Since you are still in training, you will not be permitted to perform any procedure that has not yet been covered in the classroom.
The demand for nursing assistants has caused various institutions and schools to start offering CNA training. To be accepted into one you will have to undergo physical examinations and medical exams to determine that you are physically fit to take care of patients and that you do not have any communicable diseases. Since you will be working very close to different patients, it is important that you have completed all your necessary immunizations.
The state is very strict when it comes to background checks. These checks are done in both federal and state levels. They are done to protect the patients from individuals who have previous records of abuse, drug addictions, theft, or other similar offenses. No student is allowed to handle a patient without undergoing the background check.
As soon as you are through with your training, which can take anywhere from 2-6 months, you will be ready to apply for the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program examination or the NNAAP examination. This examination consists of a multiple-choice knowledge test and a skills evaluation exam. Passing all the tests will get your certified by the Aide and Technician Certification Section and will show that you are competent in both skills and knowledge as a nursing assistant.
All employers will verify your certification before hiring you. They will only hire nursing assistants who are certified by the ATCS. Checking a nursing assistant’s certification can easily be done by going to http://www.apps.cdph.ca.gov/cvl/SearchPage.aspx. Once you are there, you will only need to enter the nursing assistant’s name or certification number. You can also visit the website if you want to check your own record.
Oakdale is part of Stanislaus County which is also part of Modesto Metropolitan Statistical Area. According to the census last year, their population has now reached up to 20,675. They have a total area of 6.095 sq miles and a population density of 3,392.1/sq miles.
Examples of health care centers found in the city include Oakdale Kidney Center (209) 848-5780, Oak Valley Hospital (209) 847-9124, Oak Valley Community Health Center (209) 848-4180, Valley Associated Urology Medical Group (209) 847-2554, Valley Nephrology Associates A Medical Corporation (209) 847-8449, and Pathways Healthcare (209) 848-8410. photo attribution: tulanesally