The college and vocational institutions that are offering certified nursing assistant school courses in Quincy, Illinois that are available as of the making of this post are listed below. Included in the list are all classes that are approved, licensed, and meet the requirements of the state of Illinois. Call the phone number of the training facilities to get details about enrolling in a program, cost of classes, and training schedules.
John Wood Community College
1301 South 48th Street,
Quincy, IL 62305
(217) 224-6500
Quincy Area Vocational Center
219 Baldwin Dr.,
Quincy, IL 62301
(217) 224-3770
To become a nursing assistant in the state of Illinois, you must first receive the proper education and training by enrolling in a CNA course. These courses are found across the state and are offered by different educational facilities. Depending on the program you select, you can complete your training within 24 weeks of training. It is important that the program you select to enroll in should be approved by the state.
Certified programs are required by the state to offer at least 40 hours of training. The students’ time will be divided into classroom lectures on different nursing concepts like mental health, infection control, rehabilitation, communication techniques, and different medical terms. You will also be trained on nursing competency skills such as partial bed baths, assisting in feeding, dressing, ambulating, performing ROM exercises, and other daily activities of the patient/resident.
After your training, what you have learned will then be tested during both parts of the nurse aide competency exams. The exams have a written and a skills evaluation exam. If you pass all the exams, your name will be entered on the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. Only then will you be able to work as a nursing assistant in any healthcare facility. Normally your certification is valid through the online registry for a period of 24 months and will need to be renewed before this time is up by submitting work verification of time spent on the job.
Quincy is the county seat of Adams County. It is a river city that is situated near the Mississippi River. The city is also known as “The Gem City of Illinois”. The city was originally known as Bluffs but was changed to its current name in 1825. According to the 2010 census, their total population was around 40,633 people. It has a total area of approximately 14.6 sq miles and has a population density of 2,761.2 / sq mile.
Health care facilities that you can find serving this city include Quincy Family Practice Center, Quincy Medical Group, Mobile Health Screening & Diagnostic, Veterans Affairs Medical Clinic, Morton Steve Doctor of Osteopathi, Cross Jean Certified Nurse Practice, Adams Jennifer Certified Physicians, Allen Tawny Doctor of Osteopathi, and Tri-State Health Care Coalition. photo attribution: codnewsroom