The certified nursing assistant schools in Quincy, Florida that are shown on the page, are all the certification classes that are open for enrollment. Contact the school using the phone number shared below to get more information about enrolling in a program.
Gadsden Technical Institute Nursing Assistant Program
201 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.,
Quincy, FL 32351
(850) 875-8324
To become a nursing assistant, you must take the CNA license exams. You cannot work in any long term healthcare setting without a certification. The most important prerequisites to apply for this examination are the completion of a training program and the passing of the background checks for criminal records. You will not be able to proceed and take the exams if you fail to meet these two. Other requirements such as the transcripts of records may be submitted later on, but this may delay the releasing of your exam results. Normally if you pass, you will be given a notice 14 days after you take the exams. The notice will also come with your license.
Nurse aide license holders from other states are welcome to apply for reciprocity. When they apply, they must have an active license status in their state’s Nurse Aide Registry. They will no longer be required to retake the license examinations of Florida. They will also be asked to submit a different set of documents like a copy of their certification, the exam results, and the results for the background checks that are done at federal and state levels. Records such as theft, negligence, patient abuse, offenses involving drugs or violence, and malpractice may be used as grounds for the rejection of your application. For this type of application, you can fill up the form at
This city is the county seat of Gadsden County. It is also the county seat there. Quincy is included in the Tallahassee, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area. According to the last census taken, their total population was at 6,975 people. It has a total area of approximately 7.6 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is 918.7/sq mile.
Health care centers that you can find serving the city include Gwen Andrews Inc., Pappachristou Dianne DO, Gadsden Community Health Council, Wasserman Jeffery Doctor of Osteopathi, Medical Clinic Gloria C Ramos MD, Gadsden Family Clinic PA, Gadsden Association Rehabilitation Center Inc., and many more. photo attribution: usaghumphreys