The training in Springfield, Virginia that is open for nursing assistants to become certified to work in health care facilities is offered below. To become a student, contact the school listed here and speak to a representative regarding their sign-up procedures.
Northern Virginia Community College Medical Education Center
6699 Springfield Center Drive
Springfield, VA 22150
(703) 822-6684
A CNA certification is a requirement to work in a Virginia-approved healthcare facility as a nursing aide. Each state has its own requirements on how to get a certification. However, most certification processes usually involve completing an approved training program, and passing the state’s certification exam.
One of the best ways to get the training that you need to become a nursing aide is to enroll in state-approved training. These programs are offered almost anywhere in the state. You can find them offered by hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living centers, high schools, community colleges, websites, and government organizations.
Once you’re in a program, you’ll spend a lot of your time in the classroom for lectures and in the clinical area for you practical training. Both the theory and practical trainings are done at the same time. However, before students are allowed to handle any patient, they must first learn about infection control, communication skills, interpersonal relationships, safety precautions, emergency procedures, basic nursing care, and patients’ rights and independence.
After you complete your training, you can now apply for the certification exam. According to federal and state laws, only certified nursing aides are allowed to work in a state-approved healthcare facility. This is their way to ensure that the patients receive only quality care. Application forms can be downloaded at Please make sure that you have all the necessary requirements before you submit them. All applications must be sent to the address below.
NACES Plus Foundation, Inc.
8501 North Mopac, Expressway, Suite 400
Austin, Texas 78759
(800) 758-6028
All applications are only valid within a year upon original application receipt date. If you plan to take the oral exam, please make the request upon application. Your request won’t be accommodated if you make it on the day of your exam. Request for special accommodations for certain disabilities must also be made upon submission of the application forms.
The certification exam consists of a written/oral test and a skills exam. Only candidates who will pass both tests will be given a CNA certification that’s issued by the state’s Board of Nursing. This certification will be one of the first things that potential employers will look for.
This is a census-designated place that is a part of Fairfax County. It is considered as a suburb of Washington, D.C. This CDP is a part of Northern Virginia. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 30,484 people. It has a total area of about 7.9 sq miles and has population density of 3,869.5/sq mile. Major roads that you can use to get to this place include Interstate 95, Interstate 395 and Interstate 495.
Examples of health care providers that are in the area include PSA HealthCare, Villanueva Pedro MD, Turner-Brown Tawanda LCSW, Consolidated Healthcare Services, DR Edwin Carter, Saratoga Medical Clinic, Aegis Healthcare Holdings Inc. and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom