If you are located in the area around Warsaw, Virginia, you can find the available nursing assistant programs below. Call one of the training facilities numbers to get more details about enrolling in instruction.
Rappahannock Community College
52 Campus Drive
Warsaw, VA 22572
(804) 333-6752
(Multiple classes are being offered)
Northern Neck Regional Vocational Center
13946 Historyland Highway
Warsaw, VA 22572
(804) 333-4940
There are a lot of requirements that must be met before a person can start working as a nurse aide in Virginia. Each state has its own set of requirements to become a nurse aide. Knowing what those requirements are can help make the process a lot easier.
#1 Training
Equipping yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to take care of a patient is at the top of the requirements. The most common way for you to get the training that you need is to complete a state-approved class. When you enroll, you’ll spend at least 75 hours in the classroom for your lectures and in the clinical area for the practical training portion of the program.
#2 Passing the Background Checks for Criminal Records
Before you even consider pursuing this line of work, you must make sure that you’ll pass the criminal background checks. There had been numerous incidents involving healthcare professionals throughout the years. That is why the state now requires all aspiring nurse aides to undergo the background checks with fingerprinting.
When the checks are done vary. Most programs do the checks as soon as a student is accepted. However, there are also other programs that will only accept a student if he has already passed the criminal background checks.
#3 Taking the NNAAP exam
The NNAAP exam consists of a written/oral test and a random skills evaluation. Both tests are conducted on the same day at a Regional Testing Center. Candidates have a maximum of 2 hours to answer all 70 multiple-choice questions for the knowledge test, and 30 minutes for the skills tests. Candidates who are able to pass both tests will get a CNA certificate that’s issued by the state’s Board of Nursing.
Maintaining your CNA Certification
This certification is the one thing that all potential employers will look for when you go applying for work. You are allowed to work in a state-approved nursing facility so long as you keep your certification valid. To do this, you’ll need to renew it every 2 years. You’ll be required to provide proof of employment as a paid nurse aide within that time to qualify for renewal. No nurse aide is allowed to continue working with an expired certification.
This town is the county seat of Richmond County. It was originally called Richmond Courthouse, before its name was changed to Warsaw back in 1830. According to the latest census, their total population had reached up to a total of 1,375. Warsaw has a total area of 3.0 sq miles, where all of it is land, and a population density of 453.0/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find in the city include Warsaw Medical Center (804) 333-9661, Jackson Horace J MD PC (804) 333-9661, Shevlin Mona B DR (804) 333-4426, Middle Peninsula-Northern Neck (804) 333-3526, Warsaw Healthcare Center Inc. (804) 313-2010 and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom