The nursing assistant classes in Oshkosh, Wisconsin that are open for enrollment are listed below. Include in the list are all the license training courses that are approved by the state of Wisconsin Department of Health and Services. Call the number below to get more information about enrolling in one of their nurse programs.
424 Washington Avenue
Oshkosh, WI 54901
(920) 236-6560
The two biggest requirements in becoming a nursing assistant are getting proper training and getting certified. Now, there are plenty of ways for you to get the training that you need: you can enroll in a CNA training course; learn the Fundamentals of Nursing as a nursing student or graduate; become a military-trained medic or corpsman; train as a nurse in a foreign country; or you can even train as a nursing assistant in another state. However, the only way for you to truly get a certification is by passing the NNAAP exam.
The National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Examination was designed to test every aspiring nursing assistant candidate in the United States. It will sort out the competent from the incompetent candidates. This exam isn’t just your ordinary paper and pencil tests; no, candidates will also be required to demonstrate 5 randomly selected nursing skills in front of an evaluator.
Should a candidate fail in any part, he or she is given another 2 attempts to pass. When retaking the NNAAP exam, the candidate will only be required to retake the exam that he or she failed. Since their training is only valid for one year, their attempts can only be used within that time. If a candidate fails to pass within 3 attempts, or within one year – whichever comes first – the candidate will be required to complete another training program.
Once your name is on the Registry, it will be your responsibility to keep your record updated. To avoid jeopardizing your status on the NAR, you’ll need to inform them immediately if you changed your name, address, or social security number. There is no fee for updating your status. If you have Internet access, you can update your record by going to
You will be allowed to work as a nursing assistant so long as your name is on the NAR. To keep it there, you’ll need to renew your certification every 2 years. A notice is usually sent out by the Registry at least 60 days prior to the certification’s expiration. To qualify for recertification, you’ll need to provide proof that you were able to work as a paid nursing assistant for at least 8 hours. During your work, you must’ve been under the supervision of a registered nurse.
This city is a part of Winnebago County. You can find the city near Fox River. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 66,083 people. It had a total area of approximately 24.4 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is 2,662.2 people per square mile. Major roads serving the area include U.S. 41, WIS 21, WIS 26, U.S. Route 45 and WIS 91.
Examples of health care providers that you can find in the area include Ames Richard E OD, Peterson Chiropractic Clinic, Advanced Care Smile Center SC, Corr Opticians Inc., Oshkosh Counseling Wellness Center, Lutheran Homes Of Oshkosh Inc., Integrative Pain Management, Human Services – Winnebago County, FoxValley Hearing Center Inc. and many more. photo attribution: ufv