Those who want to find schools in Elkin, North Carolina that provide certified nursing assistant programs can do so on this page. Course listed here are available for enrollment as of the moment and meet the qualification set by the state. For more information about enrolling in classroom instruction, just call the number provided.
Surry Community College/Elkin Center
1461 North Bridge Street
Elkin, NC 28621
(336) 386-3372
Entering a CNA class is the best choice you can make to enter the medical field. According to the Nursing Home Reform Act, receiving proper training is now a mandatory requirement for those who want to work as a nursing assistant, especially in North Carolina.
CNA classes are offered in a number of training facilities. You can find them offered by community colleges, private institutions, nursing homes, hospitals, and now including high schools. An approved program is required to offer their students a minimum of 75 hours of training, which are divided into lectures and clinical practices. Aside from the concepts that are required by the federal government to be taken up, the state Board of Nursing has also placed an importance in teaching nursing assistant students the proper way of training care of the elderly.
Once you are through with your training, you will be allowed to apply for the competency exam. With the online application system ( up, applying and scheduling for an exam date has now been more convenient for the nursing assistant candidates. If you established your eligibility by completing a N. C. -approved nursing assistant program, you will be allowed to work for a maximum of 4 months as a nursing assistant while waiting to take the exam.
The competency exam is composed of a written test and a skills evaluation of the nursing skills that were taught in the program. For those with some difficulty in written English, the written test also has an oral version that is offered in English and Spanish. The request to take the oral test must be submitted or made when you apply. You must pass all tests within 3 attempts and within 2 years from the completion of your training.
CNA certificates must be renewed every 24 months. To be eligible for renewal, you must provide, along with the renewal forms, proof of qualified work. The work of a nursing assistant is considered qualified if:
• You are paid for the work you do.
• The tasks that you performed must be within the scope of duties and responsibilities of a nursing assistant.
• You must be supervised by a registered nurse during your work.
• Your working hours must reach at least 8 hours.
Retraining and retesting is required for those who fail to meet those requirements above. Renewal of certifications in this state is free. For any questions, you may call the NAR at (919) 855-3969.
This town is a part of both Surry and Wilkes counties. It has the same name as the surrounding township of Elkin Township. According to the 2000 census, their total population was around 4,109. Its total area is approximately 6.3 square miles and has a population density of 655.6/sq mile. Major roads that you can access to get to the town include Interstate 77 and U.S. Highway 21.
Health care providers that you can find in the city include Total Woman Care LLC, Blue Ridge Cardiology & Internal Medicine, Yadkin Valley Gastroenterology, Yadkin Valley Gastroenterology, Elkin Pediatric & Adult Medicine PA, Soos Tamas MD, Tri County Gastroenterology, Yadkin Valley Surgical, CrossRoads Behavioral Healthcare, and many more. photo attribution: ufv