The schools that offer nurse aide classes in South Ogden, Utah that are listed here are all the state authorized courses available for students to join. For more information about certification requirements, tuition costs, or class schedules, please call the number provided below.
251 East 4800 South
South Ogden, UT 84405
(Classes are offered to high school students only)
If you are thinking about entering the field of medicine, then you might want to consider becoming a nursing assistant. Nursing assistants are very in demand not just in Utah, but in other states as well. Compared to other career options, you can start working as a CNA a lot quicker.
Training is always important when you want to start something, especially if it involves taking care of people. That is why the first step in becoming a CNA is to enroll in a state-certified program. These programs consist of 80 hours of both lectures and supervised clinical practice. Students are taught different nursing procedures and concepts such as vital signs taking, weights and measurements, nutrition, infection control, communication skills, and assisting in the patients’ ADLs.
To be accepted into a program you must be at least 16 years old. Before even considering this line of work, it is important that you make sure that you will be able to pass the federal and state criminal background checks. Background checks have become mandatory because of the number of incidents involving healthcare workers.
After you complete your training, the next step is to challenge the NNAAP exam. If you pass both the written test and skills test you will gain entry into the state’s Nurse Aide Registry and you will get a certification. Having a certification will provide that you are a competent nurse.
Since it is the goal of the UNAR to provide better quality care to the patients, employers are now required to verify each application before hiring them. You can also check your own or certification status by going to Once there all you need to do is to enter the name or certification number of the person you want to check.
Names on the NAR are not permanent. Certified nursing assistants must renew their certification in order to remain on the NAR. They must provide proof of employment for at least 200 hours as a paid CNA to qualify for renewal. Those who fail to renew their certifications will no longer be allowed to continue working as a certified nursing assistant.
South Ogden is a city that is a part of Weber County. It is also included in the Ogden–Clearfield, Utah Metropolitan Statistical Area. According to the latest census there, their total population was around 14,377. It has a total area of approximately 3.7 square miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is 3,917.1/sq mile. It was founded back in 1848 and was named after Peter Skene Ogden.
Examples of health care clinics that you can find in the area include Jordan, Edward, Circle Of Life Women’s Center, Ridgeline Endoscopy Center, Utah Hematology Oncology Pc, VA Outpatient Clinic, Ogden Clinic, Intermountain Medical Group Clinics – Intermountain Clinics, and Daywest Health. photo attribution: codnewsroom