The certified nursing assistant schools available in Blanding, Utah that are listed in detail here are all the classes that are approved by the state of Utah. For more information about their training programs, tuition fees, class schedules, or certification requirements, feel free to call the number below.
639 W 100 S
Blanding UT 84511
1-435-678-2201 or 1-435-678-8120
One must have a CNA certification in order to work in Utah as a nursing assistant. The most common way of getting into the Nurse Aide Registry and receiving a certificate is by challenging the NATCEP certification exam.
All candidates who wish to take the certification exam are required to successfully complete a state-approved training program. Nursing assistant programs in Utah are required to offer at least 80 hours of training time. The hours consist of 50 hours of lectures and 30 hours of supervised practical training in a clinical setting.
The Registry can grant a waiver of training and let a candidate immediately apply for the certification exam if he or she is able to meet any of the following conditions:
• If the candidate is a nursing student who has successfully completed the first semester of nursing school and has taken up the Fundamentals of Nursing within the last 2 years upon applying.
• If the candidate is a nurse wish an expired license, but is able to show proof of official licensing and was able to maintain a good standing with the state of Utah.
• A CNA with an expired certification is allowed to one attempt to pass the certification exam within 1 year of his or her certification’s expiration. If the candidate fails, he or she will be required to complete another training program.
• If the candidate is a CNA who has a current certification and a good standing with the state he or she comes from.
The certification exam in Utah is conducted by the Headmaster Testing Company. It consists of a multiple-choice knowledge test that is taken on a computer and a practical skills evaluation. Unlike most states, their written knowledge exam immediately comes along with an audio version of the questions. If a candidate has trouble using a computer, he or she can request to take a simple pencil and paper test. Candidates must pass all the tests to get a certification.
Candidates who completed a training program normally have 1 year to pass the exam. If the candidate fails to pass within that time he or she will be required to retrain. Candidates who are enrolled in a facility-based program and are already working as nursing assistants only have 120 days from the start of their work to get certified.
This city is a part of San Juan County. According to the latest census taken there, their total population was around 3,162. It is considered as the most populous city in the entire county. It has a total area of approximately 2.4 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is 1,332.7/sq mile. This city was founded back in 1905 and was named after Amelia Blanding Bicknell.
Examples of health care centers and providers that are serving the area include Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, Precision Rehabilitation, San Juan Counseling, Blanding Clinic, Paul R MacDonald DDS, Four Corners OB-GYN, Redd James D MD, Maughan T Rhett Doctor, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom