Aspiring nursing assistants who want to become certified can locate the available schools in Park Hills, Missouri below. The courses listed here will qualify you to take the certification exams and teach you the fundamental health care procedures necessary to work. You should call to speak with a facility representative to learn more about signing-up for instruction.
Mineral Area College
5270 Flat River Rd
Park Hills, MO 63601
573 518-2172
If you want to become a nursing assistant, you will need to get your name on the nurse aide Registry. To do this, you will need to first enroll yourself in a state-approved training program. These programs will offer 75 hours of classroom lectures and 100 hours of on-the-job training. It can take you around 4-6 months to complete your training. For those who are already working as a nursing assistant, they will need to do this within 4 months from the first day of their work.
During your instruction you’ll receive skills training to teach you the basics of health care. Generally you will practice performing these tasks: range of motion exercises, recording vitals, housekeeping, nourishment, transporting patients, use of transfer belt, catheter care, oral care, communication skills, grooming, dressing, using personal protective equipment, and indirect care techniques. You will be asked to perform some of these tasks during your competency examination.
By completing a program, you will be able to apply for the license exams. Nursing students who were able to take and pass the Fundamentals of Nursing and their clinical rotations may also apply for the exams. Those who are able to take the exams because they got approval from the Registry are only given one chance to pass both the written and the skills exam. If they fail, they will need to enroll and complete a training program before they will be allowed to retake the exams.
For those who challenged the exams after completing CNA classes, they are allowed to retake the exams up to two times. After they fail the third time, they must then undergo retaining before retaking the exams. The 2 additional retries must be used within 90 days. They may retake the portion where they fail as soon as they receive the results.
Park Hills is a city that is situated in St. Francois County. As of the 2008 census, their total population has now grown to 8,851, which was from 7,861 back in the year 2000. The city has a total area of approximately 20.1 sq miles. Its population density is 442.6/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include Nhc Healthcare of Desloge, Correale Michael, Desloge Chiropractic Health Center, Chand Medical Office, Buchanan James J DO, Gamma Healthcare, Parkland Health Center Physician Referral Service, and Forsythe Stephen M DO. photo attribution: niels_olson