Schools that are in Carrollton, Missouri and are currently enrolling for certified nurse aide training can be seen below. These programs have all been through the state approval process and meet curriculum standards.If you have any questions about their classes or tuition rates, just call the number provided.
Carrollton Area Career Center
305 East Tenth Street, Carrollton, Mo 64633
660 542-0000
Becoming a nursing assistant is one of the best ways to start a career in the medical field today. There is a continuing demand for the profession, which makes finding a job once you graduate very easy.
To get started you can choose to enroll in a program that has met the approval of the state. Or if you feel you have the required health care experience to challenge the exams you may qualify to get a letter of approval from the state registry. When challenging you are only allowed one attempt to pass, and if you fail will be required to take a training course to continue. Once certified your status is listed as active for a two year period, and you will be notified when your renewal is due. This renewal process requires submitting verification from your employer that states you have worked at least one, eight hour shift in an accepted health care facility.
If you feel that you want to aim higher than a standard nurse aide license, there are also other certifications that you can only get once you become licensed. An example of these courses is getting a CMT certification. To become one, you will need to beat least 18 years old, have a high school diploma, and pass the CMT exams. While you are still waiting for the results to be come out, you may give medications temporarily for up to 60 days.
Like CNAs, CMTs from other states are also able to work in Missouri if you meet the requirements. Before you start working, you will need to apply for reciprocity by submitting to the Registry the application forms, and other legal documents such as your recommendation letter, out-of-state certification, and proof of your work.
Carrollton is the county seat of Carroll County. As of the latest census done in their place, they now have a total population that is over 4,122 people. It has a total area of 4.3 sq miles, where all of it is land, and a population density of 966.7/sq mile. This city was established back in 1833.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find in the area include Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens (866) 825-3227, Carrol County E911 Dispatch Center (660) 542-3911, Reid Medical Clinic (660) 542-3900, University Behavioral Health Services (660) 542-1403, and a lot more like them. photo attribution: timefornurses