Below you can find the schools in Monett, Missouri that are currently offering nursing assistant programs. Through this training you can gain experience in performing the skills of the job and prepare for the competency test. For more information about instruction, contact the facility through their contact details shared on this page.
Southwest Area Career Center
2 David Sippy Dr
Monett, Mo 65708
417 235-7022
If you want to become a nursing aide, then you must be at least 18 years old to be accepted into a state-approved training program. Once you complete your training, which should take 4-6 months, you can then challenge the license exams. For those who are already working as a nursing aide in a licensed healthcare facility, they must be able to get their names on the Registry within 4 months from the start of their work.
Those who were enrolled in nursing programs are also allowed to take the exams. All they have to do is to provide proof that they have taken up the Fundamentals of Nursing, as well as their social security cards when they apply for the exams.
For those who were able to receive grant by the office to take the license exams without undergoing the training in a CNA program, they will only be given a single chance to pass the exams. If they fail, then they will be required to enroll in a training program before they will be allowed to take the exams again. For those who took the regular route, they are given two chances to retake the exams. They must do this within 90 days.
Those who pass both parts of the examination are placed on the registry and can be hired by health care facilities for long term work. You can get the status of your license by calling the Health Education Unit at (573) 526-5686.
This city is situated in Monett Township which in in Barry County. Aside from that it is also in Peirce Township which in on Lawrence County. As of the latest census, their total population has now reached over 8,873. It has a total area of 6.5 sq miles, where all of it is land, and a population density of 6.5 sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens (866) 825-3227, Burrell Behavioral Health (417) 235-4488, Burrell Behavioral Health – 24-Hour Crisis Service (800) 494-7355, St John’s Clinic – Family Medicine (417) 235-4334, Clark Community Mental Health (417) 235-6610, Genesis Health Care (417) 235-3049, and Clark Community Mental Health Center (417) 235-6610. photo attribution: kevint3141