The nursing assistant training conducted by vocational schools in Portsmouth, New Hampshire that are shown here offer the current programs that are open for you to enroll in. Those who manage to complete the course successfully, will be granted the ability to set an examination date and once passed receive their certification.
Edgewood Center
928 South Street,
Portsmouth, NH 03801
(603) 436-0099
The initial step in becoming a nursing assistant is to enroll in a nursing assistant training program. Only those that have been able to complete a state-approved program are allowed to take the competency evaluation exams.
Before one can enroll in a course, they should first pass certain requirements. Those include passing a background check, as well as providing certain documents. If you complete the program, you can then take on the state license exams. Those who graduated from a nursing program may also apply for the exams if able to meet the requirements.
The great thing about choosing to enroll in a nursing assistant program is that it cost less and is faster to complete. The training programs that are offered in New Hampshire only last for 8 to 12 weeks. You only need to complete the 144 training hours and pass all the tests to complete the training program. Training will consist of classroom lectures on different health and nursing concepts, laboratory work, and clinical duties.
Another great thing is that you can get reimbursement for your training. There are certain requirements that you must meet in order to get your reimbursement. For example, all receipts related to your training must be attached to your application form. The request will be processed by the hiring nursing facility and then send it to the Board of Nursing. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for the processing and approval of the request.
This city is in Rockingham County. It is considered as the largest city in the county. First settled in 1603, it was once called as Piscataqua. According to the census of 2010, their total population was 21,233 people. They have a population density of 1,300/sq mile. The total area of the city is approximately 16.8 sq miles. 1.2 square miles of the area is water.
The Hospital Corporation of America is biggest employer in the city. It has more than one thousand employees. Other health care centers that are located in the area include Interim HealthCare, Gendron Barry C Doctor of Osteopathi, Portsmouth Regional Hospital – Columbia Portsmouth Pavilion, Healthy Achievers, Whole Life Health Care, Parker Steven Certified Physicians, Global Vision Inc., Women’s Health Associates of Portsmouth PA, and STD Test Express. photo attribution: create-learning