Taking a state recognized certified nursing assistant class and passing the exams are one of the most common ways to become able to become work in this profession in California. You can find all of the latest schools in Taft, California that provide this instruction listed here. For more information, just call the number provided.
[There are no CNA Classes in Taft, CA that are currently open for enrollment.]
To work as a CNA in California you must get a certificate. If you have never been certified before as a nurse aide, then the only option you have is to challenge the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program exam.
This exam comprises of a 70-item multiple-choice knowledge test and a skills evaluation exam. Only those who are able to pass all the tests will get certified by the state’s Aide and Technician Certification Section. The state has authorized Pearson VUE to help conduct, score, and release the results of the exam.
To help you prepare for the exam, you must attend a state-approved training course. If you enroll you will spend a minimum of 150 hours in both the classroom for lectures and in the clinical area for practical training. You can find suitable courses offered by different training institutions such as nursing homes, hospitals, assisted living centers, vocational and technical schools, and even government and private organizations.
Registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, medics, nursing students/graduates, and other people who received similar training can also apply for the NNAAP exam if deemed eligible by the CPDH. Interested applicants must first contact the CDPH at (916) 327-2445.
If you pass all the tests, you can expect your CNA certificate to arrive at your mailing address within 10 days after passing. This certificate will prove that you are a competent nurse aide. However, employers will still verify your certification before hiring you. If you want to check your own status as a certified nurse aide, you can go to http://www.apps.cdph.ca.gov/cvl/SearchPage.aspx.
Once you become a certified nurse aide, you are required to keep your information updated. You must inform the ATCS if you ever change your name or address. You can do so by submitting the Request for Change of Name/Address form (http://www.cdph.ca.gov/pubsforms/forms/CtrldForms/cdph0929.pdf). A legal document must be submitted with the form for changes in name. You can provide a copy of a marriage certificate, divorce certificate, or something similar.
Nurse aide certificates are only valid for 24 months. The ATCS will send you a notice at least 4 months before the expiration date. If you let your certification expire, you will lose your eligibility to work as a nurse aide in a certified nursing facility. You can reactivate an expired certification by taking a competency evaluation exam.
This city was formerly known as Moron and Siding Number Two. It is a city that is residing in the foothills of the edge of San Joaquin Valley which is in Kern County. It is also just a few miles southwest of Bakersfield. According to the latest census, they now have a total population that is over 9,327 people. Its total area is approximately 15.1 square miles and has a population density of 617.2/sq mile.
Health care centers that you can avail within the city include College Community Service, West Side Health Care District, National Health Services, Taft Rural Medical Group, Taft Medical Clinic, and West T Care. photo attribution: departmentofed