The training to become a nursing assistant in Woodland, California is categorized below. Please call the phone number provided to receive additional information about class time, and cost of enrollment for your certified nursing assistant certification.
College Of Medical Arts Woodland
135 Woodland Ave.
Woodland, CA 95615
(530) 889-0707
So, what does it take to become a nursing aide in California, you ask? Well, the most important thing that employers will look for when you apply for a job as a nursing aide is a CNA certification. This certification will assure them that you were able to meet the federal and state’s training and testing requirements.
If you’re thinking about becoming a nursing aide then it is important that you find a suitable nurse aide program to enroll in. Programs that are approved by the California Department of Public Health will teach you all the necessary things that you will need to know to become a good nursing aide. Enrolling in one will assure that you will learn the basic nursing procedures such as vital signs taking, weighing and measuring, and how to assist patients with their daily activities such as bathing, dressing, toileting, eating, cleaning their immediate surroundings, and many more.
State-approved programs are required to offer a minimum of 150 hours of training, but most programs offer more than the required amount. Your time will be divided into 50 hours of lectures and 100 hours of supervised clinical practice.
Before you think about anything else, you must make sure that you will be able to pass the federal and state criminal background checks. Those who cannot pass the checks are not allowed to work as a CNA in a state-approved nursing facility. Those who will not undergo the checks are not allowed to proceed to the clinical area for the practical training portion of the program.
Completing a state-approved program will make you eligible to apply for the certification exam. Taking this exam will test both your knowledge and skills as an aspiring nursing aide. It is conducted with the help of Pearson VUE, and consists of a multiple-choice written test and a skills evaluation exam. When submitting the necessary forms (Initial Application forms and NNAAP exam application form) you must also send $90 for the testing fee. If you have trouble reading English you can request for an oral version of the oral exam for an additional of $15.
The exam results are normally released on the same day. If you pass all the tests, then you can expect your certificate to arrive in the mail within 10 working days after passing. If you fail to receive your application, then it will be your responsibility to contact the ATCS at (916) 327-2445.
The city of Woodland CA has a population of 55,468. It is located in Yolo County and is close to the city of Davis and a short 15 miles distance west from Sacramento. It is right next to I-5 the interstate freeway and about an hour and a half from San Francisco. It has relatively wet winters and a dry summer climate. Traditionally thought of as a growing agriculture community, the city has continuously grown in popularity due to its close proximity to Sacramento.
One of the biggest employers in town is Alderson Convalescent Hospital. Some of the other local health care centers are Planned Parenthood: Woodland Health Center (530) 662-4646, Woodland Surgical Center (530) 662-3961, Chapa-De Indian Health Program (530) 661-4400, Woodland Health Center (530) 668-2691, Peterson (530) 666-8960, Woodland Healthcare (530) 662-3961, Sutter Medical (530) 406-5600, and Woodland Nursing & Rehab (530) 662-9643. photo attribution: codnewsroom