The certified nursing assistant schools in Woonsocket, Rhode Island that are shown here have all the information that you need to become a nursing assistant in the state. For more information about certification training, you can go to their address during working hours or reach them through their phone numbers.
The Friendly Home, Inc.
303 Rhodes Avenue,
Woonsocket, RI 02895
(401) 769-7220
Oakland Grove Health Care Center
560 Cumberland Hill Road,
Woonsocket, RI 02895
(401) 769-0800
Woonsocket Area Career and Technical Center
400 Aylsworth Avenue,
Woonsocket, RI 02895
(401) 767-4662
Homestead Group Nurse Aide Training Class
80 Fabien Street,
Woonsocket, RI 02895
(401) 768-3600
There are several requirements that you must meet before you can start working in any nursing facility in Rhode Island as a nursing aide. According to the law, you must be certified to work as a full-time nursing aide. The certification process in this state involves completing a state-approved CNA class, clearing the criminal background checks, and passing the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Exam (NNAAP exam).
Criminal Background Checks
Federal and state background checks have become mandatory due to the number of incidents that involved health care providers and elderly people. These checks are done to protect the interests of the patients/residents. They are often done after the completion of a training program. However, you should make sure that you will be able to pass the checks before you start your training to save time, money, and effort.
CNA Training
Classes are being offered throughout Rhode Island by various health care institutions and schools. The majority of the programs comprises of 88 hours of classroom and laboratory instructions and 32 hours of practical training. During the course of the program, you’ll be spending most of your time in the classroom for your theoretical lessons and in a certified nursing facility for the practical training portion of the class. Training programs are required by the state to last no longer than 90 days.
The National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Exam
The NNAAP exam, or license exam, was designed to test the candidates in their knowledge and skills of all things that will be necessary to be a competent nursing aide. The first portion of the exam is the written test. Candidates will have 2 hours to answer 70 multiple-choice questions. The second part of the license exam is the skills demonstration. During this part, aspiring candidates will be asked to perform 5 randomly selected nursing skills, within 25 minutes, in front of a CNA evaluator. A candidate will be entered into the Nurse Aide Registry and be given a certificate if one passes both tests.
Certification by Endorsement
Reciprocity is a process that allows a certified nursing aide to transfer their certification and immediately gain entry into the Rhode Island Registry without the need for testing. To qualify for reciprocity, applicants must have a current/active certification and a clean record. Applicants must not be listed on the Federal Abuse Registry. You can call the Department of Health at (401) 222-5888 for more information about the endorsement process.
Woonsocket is a part of Providence County. You can find this city just south of the Massachusetts border. Other nearby communities include Blackstone, Bellingham, Cumberland, Massachusetts, and North Smithfield. As of the 2010 census, their total population had reached up to a total of 41,186 people and has a population density of 5,348.8/sq mile. The total area of the city is approximately 7.96 sq miles, where almost all of it is land.
Examples of the health care providers that are located in the area include Woonsocket Health Center, Mount Saint Francis Health Center, Thundermist Health Center of Woonsocket, Thundermist Health Center, Dialysis Center of Woonsocket, Comprehensive Healthcare, Homefront Health Care, and many more. photo attribution: ufv