The nurse aide school facilities that are available in Westmont, Illinois listed here, cover all the instruction that is currently being offered in the area. If you know of other licensure program listings, or health facility based training, you can submit them to us so we can include them here.
Westmont Convalescent Center
6501 South Cass Ave.,
Westmont, IL 60559
(630) 960-2026
If you are considering on becoming a nursing assistant in Illinois, it is very important that you know what the prerequisites to become one are. One of the first things that you should do is to comply with is to enroll in a training program. When you are still looking for one, you should keep in mind to enroll only in a program that is approved by the state. These programs are found all over the state and are offered by several educational facilities. You have to make sure that you enroll in a training course that provides at least 40 hours of experience in a clinical health environment. This will help you get the skills required on the job and prepare you for the state examinations.
By completing a state-approved program, you will become eligible to apply for the license exams. Taking the license exams is an important step since it is the only way for you to get your name entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. The state of Illinois does not allow any nursing assistant to work in a nursing facility if they were not able to pass the exams. There are also other means for you to become eligible to apply for the exams. Medics that were trained by the military are also allowed to apply provided that they can show proof of their training and education and be meet the minimum hours of experience required by the state. For more information, you can check this site:
This village is a part of DuPage County. You can find it about 18 miles west from the Chicago Loop. It is located in the southeast part of DuPage County. This area was originally inhabited by the Potawatami. It was only under coercion that the Native Americans left the land and sold it to the government. According to the census of 2007, their total population was around 25,021 people. It has a population density of 5,100/sq mile. Westmont has a total area of approximately 4.9 sq miles, where all of it is land.
The Westmont Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is the 9th biggest employer in the city. Examples of other health care providers that you can find in the area include Pathway Health Services, Adventist Hinsdale Hospital New Day Center, Integrated Health Systems Inc., Dahn Yoga Health Center Inc. Westmont Family Practice, Wheels Doctors On, DuPage Medical Group, Pdk Healthcare Solutions, Westmont Family Practice, Prism Healthcare Group Inc., and Clinical Associates for Mental Health PC. photo attribution: rocketboom