The nursing assistant schools that are found in Yazoo City, Mississippi and are currently offering their training programs are provided in detail below. Schools will give you hands-on experience practice as well as teach you the fundamental health care procedural instruction necessary to care for patients. To learn more contact the institution listed here.
Northwest Mississippi Community College
Lafayette-Yalobusha Center,
Yazoo City, MS 39194
(662) 236-2023
The initial step that needs to be done to become a nurse aide is to find a nurse aide training school to enroll in. By completing a state-certified program, you will become eligible to apply for the license exams. If you pass all the tests in the license exams, your name will be entered on the Nurse Aide Registry and you will be allowed to work in a long-term care facility as a nurse aide.
The license exams are composed of a written and a skills evaluation of the nursing skills that were taught in the program. If you have any problems in reading English, you can request to have the written exams changed into an oral examination during your application. If you have any disabilities that require special considerations, according to the law, the examiners will also provide you with that if you request it.
If you are already a CNA license holder from a different state you can apply for reciprocity. When you apply, you certificate or status on your state’s Registry must be active. You will also need to pass both the Federal and State background checks. If you have records such as abuse or neglect then you will no longer be allowed to work in the state as a nurse aide. There is a $26 reciprocity fee associated with the process as well as a required $101 testing fee. Applicants are allowed only one attempt to pass the exams. Those who are unable to pass both parts in one attempt must retake a school program to proceed further. You can contact the Mississippi State Department of Health for questions about this or renewal requirements by calling 601-364-1100.
Yazoo City can be found in Yazoo County. It is currently its county seat and the main city of the Yazoo City Micropolitan Statistical Area. This city was named after the Yazoo River, which in turn was named by Robert La Salle, who was a French explorer, as Rivière des Yazous. According to the census of 2010, the total population of the city was estimated to be around 11,403 people. It has a total area of 10.9 square miles, of which only a very small percentage of it is water.
There are a number of healthcare centers that are located in the city area. Examples of such include Yazoo City Medical Clinic, Yazoo County Health Department, Rainbow Children’s Clinic, Warren Yazoo Mental Health Services, Primary Solutions Family, Sunshine Medical Clinic, and Kings Daughters Hospital Rural. photo attribution: collegedegrees360