The nurse aide schools in Winchester, Indiana that are currently being shown on this page are the courses that are open at this time. For more information about their training, please contact a school listed below to speak with one of their representatives.
Randolph Nursing Home
701 South Oak Street, Winchester, IN 47394
(765) 584-2201
If you want to become a nursing assistant, you should first be equipped with the proper knowledge and skills to take care of the patients. You can achieve this by looking for a CNA training program to enroll in. You can find that the programs in the state are offered by a number of training centers which makes them available almost anywhere in the state. One of the first steps that you need to take in becoming a nursing assistant is to enroll in a course that has been approved by the state. You have to make sure that the program you are planning to enroll in offers the proper curriculum to qualify you to take the certification exams. In addition students must complete the minimum set of hours that is required by the state before being allowed to submit an application to schedule a testing date. Currently programs must include 30 hours of coursework and 75 hours of procedural skills training to qualify.
Once you are able to complete your training, you may then apply for the license exams. These exams are handled by the Ivy Tech Community College. Their exams are composed of a written and a skills evaluation exam, which will be done in front of a Nurse Aide Evaluator. If you are able to pass all the tests, your name will be added automatically to the Nurse Aide Registry. After your name is entered, you will need to maintain that status to be eligible to work in the state as a nursing assistant. The CNA licenses in this state need to be renewed every 24 consecutive months. You will need to have worked for at least 8 hours with pay to be able to renew your license.
Wichester is the county seat of Randolph County. It is included in White River Township. This city is sometimes called as Dub – C (WC), and is also known as the “Sugar Cream Pie Capital”. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 4,935 people. It has a total area of approximately 3.34 sq miles, where almost all of it is land. The last estimated population density of the city was around 1,625/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include St. Vincent Randolph Hospital, RAI Dialysis Care Center, Adams Physical Therapy, Reid Healthcare Center, Winds of Change Counseling, Healthy Families, Centerstone, Reid Healthcare Center, Dunn Center, Meridian Services Corp, Comprehensive Mental Health, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom