Those who desire to enroll in nursing assistant training in West Columbia, South Carolina can find schools approved by the state, and available right now listed here. For more information about signing up for instruction, cost of schooling, or certification requirements, please feel free to call the number provided for you below.
Still Hope Episcopal Retirement Community
One Still Hope Drive
West Columbia, SC 29169
803-739-5022 or 803-791-7949
The average salary of a CNA is South Carolina is $23,000 in a year. Compared to other career options, training to become a nurse aide is one of the most practical ways to start a career in health care. Training in the state is affordable, fast, and easy. One of the great benefits of this career choice is that if you are currently working under a nursing facility or has a job offer, your training will be completely free.
To work as a nurse aide is South Carolina, you must get your name on the SC Nurse Aide Registry. In this state, you can either do that by applying for reciprocity or by challenging and passing the certification tests. The certification tests are only available to those who completed the necessary training while reciprocity is only offered to nurse aides listed in another state.
To get the necessary training, you can complete a state-certified nurse aide training course. These courses consist of 100 hours of training, which already includes 40 hours of clinical practice. During your training, you will be supervised by a qualified nurse aide instructor. Depending on which course you enroll in, it can take you only a few weeks of continuous training to become one.
As soon as you are through with your training, your next step is to apply for the certification tests. You will need to fill out the application form and send the payment and the necessary documents such as proof of your training to NACES. The payment for initial testing ($101) must be in the form of a money order, certified check, Pearson VUE voucher, or a company check to NACES. All the application documents must be placed in a single envelope and sent to:
NACES Plus Foundation, Inc.
South Carolina NNAAP
8501 North Mopac Expressway, Suite 400
Austin, Texas, 78759
The certification test consists of a written exam and a skills evaluation, which are given on the same day. If you have difficulty in reading English, you may send a request, along with the applications, to get an oral exam instead of a written exam. If you need any special considerations during your exam, you must also inform NACES during your application.
If you pass all the exams, you will receive your nurse aide certification card and you will be allowed to work as a CNA in South Carolina for 24 consecutive months. During that time, you must find work for at least 8 hours, while under the supervision of a registered nurse, to become eligible for renewal. You will also need to keep your record clean and avoid being entered in the NA Abuse Registry. Once on the Abuse Registry, you will no longer be allowed to work as a nurse aide.
This city is a part of Lexington County. It is also a part of the Columbia, South Carolina Metropolitan Statistical Area. According to the census of 2000, their total population was at 13,064 residents. West Columbia has a total area of approximately 6.3 sq miles where almost all of it is land. It has a population density of 2,152.3/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include Bailey’s Shaklee Naturals, Anylab Test Now, COVENANT BIRTH CENTER, Airport Pharmacy Inc., Columbia Plastic Surgery PC, Rite Aid, Mobility Solutions, Carolina Bariatric Medical, ResourceOne Health Management Services, LLC, Three Rivers Behavioral Health, Three Fountains Family Dental, and many more. photo attribution: create-learning