Schools for certified nursing assistant classes that are being offered in Waukegan, Illinois are listed below. These are all the programs that are authorized to teach certification instruction that are currently being offered. If you have any inquiries about the cost of tuition, certification requirements, or class schedules, please call the number for the school below.
College of Lake Co.
2325 Brookside Ave.,
Waukegan, IL 60085
(847) 543-2191
Only those whose names are in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry are allowed to work in healthcare facilities as nursing assistants and handle patients. One way of getting your name entered in the registry is by passing the state’s competency exams.
Before you are able to take the exams, you must first become eligible and apply for it. Passing a state certified training program is one of the methods to become eligible to apply. You have the option of either enrolling in a CNA training program or a nursing course. Either way, you must have a total of 40 hours of clinical training when you complete your program. During your clinical practice you will get hands-on experience in a nursing facility or medical care setting using common tasks so you will know exactly how to perform the job.
The certification programs in this state are offered by different institutions like high schools, and community training centers, as well as certain healthcare facilities. When you are looking for a program, you must make sure that the program is approved by the state. Depending on the program you enroll in, you can complete your training in a matter of 24 weeks.
Nursing assistants from other states are also welcome to work here. They can get their name entered in the registry by applying for reciprocity. When they apply, they will need to submit the appropriate application form, which can be downloaded at When they apply, their license should still be valid. They must also have a good relationship with the state they come from.
This city is the county seat of Lake County. You can find this city on the western shore of Lake Michigan. With a total population of 92,046 during the 2011 census, they are considered as the 9th most populous city in the state. It ranks 5th in the western shore of Lake Michigan. Waukegan has a total area of approximately 23.1 sq mile, where only 0.1 square mile of it is water.
The Cardinal Health and Vista Health System are two of the largest employers in the city. Other health care centers that you can find in the area include Healthreach Incorporated, Savannah Inc. Wellness Center, The Healthcare Foundation of Northern Lake County, Able Health Center LTD, Health Care Serv Corp, Sports Physical Therapy & Rehab Specialists, Veridian Healthcare LLC, Allegiance Healthcare Corp, and many more. If you know of additional programs that are not listed on this page, please contact us and let us know so we can add them to this directory. photo attribution: codnewsroom