The certified nursing assistant programs that are available for enrollment in Townsend, Montana are listed here. This school training will assist you in learning the basic healthcare tasks needed for the job as well as provide you with the skills to pass the competency exams. Call the facility to get the latest class dates.
Broadwater Health Center
110 North Oak Street, Townsend, MT 59644
(406) 266-3186
Your first task to become a nursing assistant is to enroll in a state-approved CNA program. Before being allowed to enter a program you must pass the state and federal criminal background check. There are also other requirements such as not having any communicable disease and passing the physical examination.
It is important that is approved by the state so that you will be allowed to take the license exams afterwards. As a nursing assistant student, you will be spending a total of 75 hours of classroom instructions learning the different concepts of the Fundamentals of Nursing. Examples of these concepts include the roles and responsibilities of a nursing assistant, the basic rights and needs of patients, proper ways of communicating, how the patient’s environment should look like, personal care, and the promotion of the patient’s safety.
Home Health Aides also have the same concepts and requirements of nursing assistants, with only a few additions. They are required to also learn about proper ambulation and equipment needed, home transfer and ambulation techniques, Home safety precautions, proper care and disposal of supplies while at home, and home management and homemaking.
After completing a program, you may then apply for the license exams. Aside from sending the completed application forms, you will also need to send other important documents such as your immunization records, results for you physical exams and the background checks. For more information, you can check out this link:
This city is the county seat of Broadwater County. It is also known as “T-ville”. Although the area was first visited back in 1805, it was only in the 1860s that the earliest settlers came. According to the last census, their total population had reached up to a total of 1,867 people. They have a total area of 1.6 sq miles and a population density of 1,176.2/sq miles.
Health care centers and providers that are found in the area include Broadwater Wellness Clinic, Broadwater County – Health Services, Campbell N M MD, Family Medical Clinic, Kristiane Darrah, PT, Trapp Medical Clinic Pc, Broadwater Health Center,and a few more. photo attribution: frederickmdrocks