If you want to find a school in Sumter, South Carolina that offers training in how to become certified as a nursing assistant you can do so below. For more information about their training programs, cost of tuition, or classroom schedules, just call the number provided on this page.
Allheart Allied Health Education Center N.A.T.P.
PO Box 392 188 South Pike East
Sumter, SC 29151
Central Carolina Technical College, Continuing Education
506 N. Guignard Dr.
Sumter, SC 29150
Mejias Medical Training Center- Sumter
1084-A Broad Street
Sumter, SC 29150
Sumter County Career Center
2612 McCrays Mill Road
Sumter, SC 29150
Before an employer hires a nursing aide applicant, they are required to verify the applicant’s certification by checking their record on the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. Employers can verify an applicant by going online to https://www.asisvcs.com/services/registry/search_generic.asp?CPCat=0741NURSE. Once there, all they have to do is to do either a name search or a certification number search.
There are two ways to get into the NAR. One of the methods is by applying through reciprocity. This process however is only available to individuals who are already CNAs but are registered in another state’s NAR. When they apply, they must have a current certification and a good relationship with the state they come from. They must have also completed a 100-hour certified training program. When applying, they must be able to provide proof of education, training, and/or experience. To get an application form, please visit (http://www.asisvcs.com/publications/pdf/074102.pdf) or call Pearson VUE at (800) 475-8290.
If you have never been certified as a nursing aide before, then you will have to challenge and pass the certification exam in order to get into the NAR. The certification exam is divided into two parts – a knowledge exam and a skills evaluation exam, which are given on the same day at an approved testing site. If you wish to learn more about this exam, you can download a copy of the Candidate Handbook at http://www.asisvcs.com/publications/pdf/074100.pdf.
If you pass both all the portions, you will gain entry into the NAR. It will be your responsibility to maintain your record. If you changed your name or address, please inform Pearson VUE by calling or by submitting the Change Name or Address Form. There is no cost for updating your record. If you changed your name and wish to get a new CNA card, you can request a copy. There is a fee of $15 for the request.
Your name on the Registry, as well as your certification, will remain valid for 2 years. To keep your certification current, you must work for at least 8 hours as a nursing aide every 2 years. The Registry will send the necessary renewal forms to your address at least 2 months before your certification expires.
This city is the county seat of Sumter County. It is also a part of the Sumter Metropolitan Statistical Area. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 40,524 people. It has a total area of approximately 26.7 sq miles, and has a population density of 1,545.2/sq mile. Major roads that you can find serving the city include Interstate 95, U.S. 15, U.S. 76, South Carolina 120, and South Carolina 261.
Health care centers that you can find serving the city include Rite Aid, Bradford Linwood G, Dental Team of Sumter, Binder Mellisa DR OD, Tuomey Healthcare System, Brings Hands A MD, Sumter Neck & Back Center, Sumter Family Health Center, Sumter Ob Gyn PA, Solomon’s Home, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom