Interested students who desire to become certified nurse aides can find classes in Sulphur, Oklahoma below. These programs will teach the basic skills and knowledge required to help the applicant pass the license exams and become eligible to work in health care facilities within the state.
Oklahoma Veterans Center
200 East Fairlane,
Sulphur, OK 73086
(580) 622-2144
(LTC classes are also being offered here)
Becoming a CNA in Oklahoma means that you must complete a CNA training course that is approved by the Oklahoma Department of Health. To be enrolled in a training course, you must be at least 18 years old, possess a high school diploma or a GED, and be mentally and physically capable of taking care of the clients. To protect the interest of the clients, you must also pass the federal and state background check for criminal records.
Nursing aide courses will teach you to handle different situations by teaching you a wide array of concepts such as personal care, human anatomy, infection control, communication and interpersonal skills, client’s rights and independence, and many more. Your training will consist of lectures and clinical training. During that time, you will be under the care of a certified nursing aide instructor, which is a registered nurse with at least 2 years of nursing experience, possess some background in training adults, and has completed a train the trainer course. When you complete the classroom and clinical training hours, you must take on the course’s final exam to receive your certificate of completion of training.
Once you complete the course, you can then apply for the competency exam. If you pass all the tests in the exam, your name will be entered on the Nurse Aide Registry and you will receive your CNA card. Only those whose names are on the registry are allowed to work in a nursing facility as a nursing aide.
Getting a nursing aide certification is only a small step in the opportunities that you can have. If you wish to improve your knowledge and skills as a nursing aide, you can enter in a CNA II training course. These courses are funded by the OSDH and are free to those who meet the qualifying criteria.
To qualify, you must maintain a clean record in the Registry as well as work for at least 6 consecutive months in the same health care facility. These courses take 27-30 hours to complete. You will cover new and more advance topics that were not included in the basic courses.
If you become a nursing aide II, you can still improve your career by becoming a nursing aide III. Like the previous process, you will have to undergo some additional training. In order to qualify this time, you must show proof that you have gained at least a year’s worth of nursing aide experience working for a single employer. To find out more, you can follow this link:
Sulphur is the county seat of Murray County. According to the latest census that was taken there, their total population was about 4,794 people with a population density of 703.10/sq mile. The total area of Sulphur, OK is estimated to be around 7.0 sq miles, where only 0.1 square mile of it is water.
Examples of health care centers and providers that are available to you include Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, Family Clinic, Sooner Health Services Inc., Arbuckle Internal Medicine Group LLC, Odyssey Health Care, Dressler Joe B Md, Ph.D., Tatom John H MD, Tatom John H MD, Mercy Medical Group, and many more. photo attribution: ufv