The schools in Streamwood, Illinois in the list below provide all of the certified nursing assistant training that is open for you to enroll in. If you want to know about their schedules, tuition, and enrollment periods, just call the number provided.
Streamwood High School
701 West Schaumburg Rd.,
Streamwood, IL 60107
(630) 213-5500
Among the different ways for you to start a career in healthcare, becoming a nurse assistant is one of the best options for you to choose. This type of job is in demand not only in Illinois, but in other states as well. Compared to other career options, you do not have to spend a fortune nor that much time to become one. Depending on the program’s schedule, you can complete your CNA classes in a matter of 24 weeks or less. The state requires those who want to become certified to undergo training in a state-approved program.
As a nursing assistant student, you will be trained on the different nursing skills like proper hand washing, assisting in feeding, bathing, dressing, toileting, ambulating, exercising, and helping with other daily activities. You will also be educated on different nursing concepts like infection control, mental health and rehabilitation, and the different medical terms. The class must provide at least 40 hours of clinical duties in a nursing facility or medical setting to give you adequate experience for the job.
After you graduate from the program, you will then be eligible to apply for the license exams. These exams are composed of two parts, a written exam and a skills evaluation. This is to determine if when you take care of a patient, you will be able to provide high quality care. If you pass all the tests, you name will be entered in the Nurse Aide Registry. Due to the continuous increase in the need for health care providers, the state of Illinois is very accepting when it comes to nursing aides that had finished their courses in another state or country. For these individuals, to be able to practice legally in the state, they will have to apply for reciprocity. Once they apply they will need to provide evidence of their training and experience.
This is a village that is in Cook County. It one of Chicago’s many suburbs. Streamwood is a part of the “Tri Village”, along with Barlett and Hanover Park. According to the 2006 census, their total population was around 39,497 residents. The population density of the village is about 4,989.0 / sq mile. It has an estimated total area of approximately 7.3 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Health care providers that facilities that are in the area include Lexington Health Care, Access Medical Supply Inc., Healthcare for The Family Sc, Integrative Healthcare Center, Consolidated Chiropractic Health Associates, Hope Healthcare Service, Streamwood Behavioral Healthcare, and Healthcare Associates of Streamwood. photo attribution: usdagov