Listed here are schools in the town of Stanwood, Washington that offer instruction in how to become a certified nurse aide. Classes that are being offered will show one how to care for patients in a nursing facility by practicing skills and receiving medical theory.
Warm Beach Health Care Center
20420 Marine Drive,
Stanwood, WA 98292
(360) 652-7585
Josephine Sunset Home
272nd Place NW,
Stanwood, WA 98292
(360) 629-2126
What makes becoming a nursing assistant so great? For one thing, training to become a nursing assistant in Washington doesn’t take years. In fact, most of the training can be completed within 6 months. Nursing assistants are also greatly in demand across the country, which makes looking for a job a cinch.
To work as a full-time nursing assistant you’ll need a CNA certification that’s issued by the Washington State Department of Health. You can only get one if you gain entry into the Nurse Aide Registry by passing the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Exam or the NNAAP exam.
The NNAAP exam was developed to test every aspiring nursing assistant in their competency in both knowledge and skills. The exam is divided into a multiple-choice written/oral test and a skills evaluation exam. Candidates must pass both tests to get into the NAR. In case a candidate fails, he is given another 2 attempts to pass. If he fails for the 3rd time, then he’ll have to complete another training program.
The NNAAP exam is only available for individuals who were able to complete a state-approved training program. That is why your first tasks should be to find a suitable program to enroll in. You can find training programs offered across the state. If you find a program that’s not on our list, please make sure that the program you found is approved by the state’s Department of Social and Health Services.
Approved training programs consist of at least 85 hours of continuous training. When you enroll you’ll be spending 35 hours in the classroom for your classroom instructions and lab work, and 50 hours in the clinical area for the practical training portion of the program. Those who are already working as nursing assistants should find a program that can be completed within 4 months.
Another great thing about becoming a nursing assistant is there are different ways for you to establish eligibility for the exam. Registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses, medics, corpsmen, nursing students/graduates, and even individuals who received their healthcare training in another state may apply directly for the exam. Before they submit their applications for the exam, they’ll have to determine their eligibility by contacting the state’s OBRA-NAR at (360) 725-2597.
You may call either of these numbers to find out more about the NA Certification Process:
DSHS OBRA-NAR – (360) 725-2597
DOH Nursing Assistant Certification – (360) 236-4700
Pearson VUE – (800) 274-4097
This city is a part of Snohomish County. It was founded back in 1866 by Robert Fulton. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 6,231 residents. It has a total area of approximately 2.0 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be 1,995.4/sq mile.
Health care facilities that you can find serving the city include Stanwood Health, Skagit Valley Hospital Children’s Therapy Program, Warm Beach Senior Community, A & B Health Care, Stanwood Health Clinic, Everett Clinic – Walk-In Clinic, and Stanwood Medical Transcription Services. photo attribution: ufv