If you want to learn how to be certified as a nurse aide you can locate training programs in Spearman, Texas in detail below. Call the school to get information such as sign-up requirements, class schedules, or tuition fees. Courses described here have met the approval of the state and authorize one for the exams once finished.
Hansford Manor
707 South Roland,
Spearman, TX 79081
(806) 659-5535
There are two primary ways one can become a certified nursing assistant in the state of Texas. You can complete a state approved training program and pass the competency evaluation, or if you have previously been certified or have taken college nursing course or military training for nurses you may qualify to apply for reciprocity and be added to the Texas Nurse Aide Registry.
Before enrolling in a nurse aide course you will want to make sure it has been approved and licensed by the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services. Once enrolled you will receive class instruction and practical skills training in a health care setting. After you finish instruction you will want to schedule a time to take the competency evaluation exams which include a written test and a demonstration test. To find a testing location you can contact the Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation Services at 1-800-444-5178.
Texas is very open to those CNAs that come from different state and offers them reciprocity so that they can work. When they apply, they should make sure that their license is still active and that they have a good relationship with the state they came from. It is necessary for them to be able to pass the criminal background check.
You can check the status of your license with the registry by calling their automated phone system at 1-800-452-3934. When on the call you will need to follow the prompts and enter your social security as verification when required to access your personal information.
This city is the county seat of Hansford County. It is well known for having a collection of windmills that came from the J.B. Buchanan windmill collection. This is probably the reason why the motto of city is “The Windmill Town”. As of the 2010 census, they had a total population of 3,368 residents and a population density of 1,445.0/sq mile. The total area of Spearman is approximately 2.1 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Examples of health care clinics and centers that are serving this city include Hansford Hospital – Hansford Manor, Family Medical Clinic 1, Panhandle Health Care Inc., Palo Duro Health Center, Family Medical Clinic 2, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom