Classes in Shoreline, Washington that are currently teaching nursing assistants can be located below. Programs that are listed have met the curriculum standards set by the OBRA registry. Speak to a school official to learn how to enroll.
Fircrest School
15th Avenue NE,
Shoreline, WA 98155
(206) 361-3100
Nursing Assistant Training Institute
15019 Aurora Ave. North,
Shoreline, WA 98133
(206) 546-1120
Nursing assistants are important health care providers in Washington. They can be found working in different nursing facilities such as nursing homes, assisted living centers, rehabilitation facilities, and even in the patient’s own home. If you’re thinking about becoming one, then it’s best that you know what the requirements are.
Getting the Training that You Need
One way of learning how to become a nursing assistant is to enroll in a Nursing Assistant Program or NAP. NAPs are found all across the state and are offered by different healthcare institutions and schools such as hospitals, community colleges, technical and vocational schools, high schools, Red Cross Organization, government organizations, and private training facilities.
General requirements:
– Age: must be at least 16 years old
– Criminal Background: must pass both the federal and state criminal background checks
– English Proficiency: it’s important that a candidate is able to speak and understand Basic English since most of the patients will be speaking the language.
– Education: Each training facility has its own requirements regarding educational backgrounds. There are some that will only accept those who have a high school diploma or a GED certificate.
– Health: must be physically healthy and free from any communicable diseases
The great thing about becoming a nursing assistant is the 120-day Rule. This rule allows a nursing facility to hire a person who is not a certified nursing assistant to work as one. That person is then given a maximum of 120 days to get certified. This means that he’ll have to undergo training and testing at the expense of the hiring facility.
The National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Examination
The NNAAP exam is a two part examination that consists of a written/oral test and a skills evaluation exam. Both tests are conducted on the same day at an approved testing facility. The state asked the help of Pearson VUE to assist in conducting, scoring, and releasing the exam results. If a candidate passes both tests, then the candidate will be given a NA certificate.
If a candidate fails, then he can reapply and reschedule for another attempt. During his retest, he will only be required to take the portion that he failed. Each candidate is given a maximum of 3 attempts. Failing for the 3rd time means the candidate must undergo retraining before he can reapply once again.
This city is situated within King County. It was founded back in 1890 and was given its current name during the 1940s. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 53,007. Shoreline has a total area of approximately 11.7 sq mile, where all of it is land. The population density of the city is about 4,546.0/sq mile.
Examples of health care facilities that are serving the city include CarePlus Medical Centers Inc., Seattle Nephrology, Yin Yin Health Center, Therapeutic Health Services, Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom