The certified nursing assistant training classes that are being offered in Quanah, Texas are all listed here below. These programs have been approved by the Department of Aging and Disability Services. Call the school phone number to get the latest class schedules.
Quanah Parker Nursing Center Nurse Aide Training Program
1106 West 14th St.,
Quanah, TX 79252
(888) 423-8154
If you want to work in Texas as a CNA then you should enroll in a program that teach the fundamentals and pass the state license exam. During your instruction you will receive valuable information to help you practice commonly used tasks and procedures used by nurse aides. Coursework is broken down into theoretical class instruction, and clinical hands-on practice.
When you are finished with your course your school can help you find a testing location. I addition you can schedule a date to take the competency exam and find a testing facility by calling the Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation Services at 1-800-444-5178 or (512)467-0615.
The examination is made up of a skills demonstration and a written/oral portion. You must pass both parts to get your license. Be reminded that your license does not expire if you continue working. You only have to update it and maintain an active status in the registry by giving them a copy of your history of employment. If you want to know your registry status you can call the 24 hour automated phone line at 1-800-452-3934.
Certified nurse aides from other states are invited to apply for reciprocity to be eligible to work in Texas. To qualify one must currently be on their home states registry with an active listing. Applicants will need to submit the appropriate DADS form and meet all applicable federal laws.
This is the county seat of Hardeman County. You can locate this city about 192 miles northwest from Forth Worth. The city was named after Quanah Parker, who was the last Comanche chief. The city is also referred to as “Q-Town”. As of the latest census taken there, their total population was estimated to be about 3,022 with a population density of 866.8/sq mile. The total area of the city is approximately 3.5 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Examples of health care clinics and providers that are located within the city area include Helen Farabee Regional MHMR Centers, Family Medical Clinic, Wood Living Center, Kevin Lane D.O., Hardeman Foard County Mental Health Center, Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom