One can locate the available schools currently offering training programs in Purcell, Oklahoma below. Those shown are the best classes that meet state approval that you can find in the city. For any inquiries, you can call the number shown below.
Sunset Estates
915 North 7th Ave.,
Purcell, OK 73080
(405) 527-2122
This is the best time for you to enter the medical field. You should try being a CNA if you have not decided on a way to do it yet. This type of job is in demand because more and more people need assistance with their daily living activities. This can also be a great stepping stone if you are planning on going for a higher degree in the medical field.
Among the different types of certified nurse aides, the type that many choose to become is a long term care aide. A LTCA certification is a basic certification. These are the types of nursing aides you can find in long term care health facilities such as nursing homes and hospitals. Regardless of what type of CNA, you choose to become, you will have no difficulties looking for work because of the high and increasing demand for nursing aides.
Before you can work as a long term care aide in Oklahoma, you must first gain learn the knowledge and skills needed to function as one. You must find a suitable training program that is approved by the Department of Health, and enroll in it.
These programs are commonly offered in local community colleges, nursing homes, hospitals, and private training institutions. As required by both federal and state laws, these programs must offer at least 75 hours of training with a minimum of 16 hours allotted for clinical training. They are also required to train the students for 16 hours on concepts like communication, infection control, safety and emergency, personal care, and patient’s rights and independence, before they are allowed to handle any patients. As stated in the Oklahoma law, these programs must also cover an additional 10 hours about the care of Alzheimer’s patients.
Once you are through with your training, you must then prove that you have what it takes to independently function as a nursing aide by passing the state competency exam. This exam consists of a knowledge test and a clinical skills evaluation. You will be given the option whether you will have the written or the oral version of the knowledge test. Please note that if you want to take the oral version you must request for it as well as pay an additional fee.
Nursing students, graduates, and foreign-trained nurses are also allowed to take the CNA competency exam. These individuals may directly apply for the exam without any additional training. When they apply, they must provide proof of their education and training by submitting a copy of their diploma, transcript of records, or their licenses. For foreign applicants, they must additionally show their documents of legal entry.
If you pass all the tests, your name will be on the Nurse Aide Registry and you will receive your nursing aide card. Your listing on the Registry will remain there for 2 years. If you fail to renew your certification, your name will be removed from the list. To be eligible for renewal, you must work for at least 8 hours as a paid nursing aide at a qualified health care facility.
The city of Purcell is the county seat of McClain County. Founded in 1887, it was named after E.B. Purcell, who was a former director of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway. This city is also known as “Quarterhorse Capital of the World”. As of the 2010 census, their total population had reached up to a total of 5,884 people. They have a population density of 570/sq mile. The total area of the city is estimated to be about 10.4 sq miles, where the vast majority of it is land. Major highways that are accesible from the city are U.S. Highway 77, and State Highways 74 and 39.
The Purcell Municipal Hospital and the Purcell Clinic are the two main health care providers that are in the city. Other health care providers that you can avail include Healthcare Innovations Private Service, Chickasaw Nation Medical Center Health Clinics, Purcell Municipal Hospital, Loving Care In Home Health Service, Maysville Rural Health Clinic, and Central Oklahoma Community Mental Health Center. photo attribution: ufv