The schools providing instruction in Pontiac, Illinois that are listed on this page are all the certified nursing assistant classes that are currently open for enrollment. Call the school phone number on this page to receive details about how to sign up for classes, the cost of their program, certification requirements, and instruction schedules.
Livingston Area Vocational Center
1100 East Indiana Ave.,
Pontiac, IL 61764
(815) 842-2557
The first step in becoming a nursing aide is to enroll in a CNA course. When you care selecting for a course to enroll in, you should only choose a program that is approved by the state. You can see that the nursing assistant courses are available anywhere in the state and are offered by different institutions like community colleges, and health care centers.
According to the state rules, you must be at least 16 years old to be accepted in a training course. Most of the courses that are available as of now can be completed within 6 months of continuous training. Your training will be composed of classroom instruction and clinical skills training. It is very important that when you complete your training, you will be able to handle different settings. Classes need to be forty plus hours in length and be held in a health care setting. After the class is complete you will be able to apply to take the certification test.
Once you are through with your training, your next step to apply for the competency exams. You will need to provide the appropriate forms and the needed documents such as fingerprint cards, ID photo, and payment for the exam fees. You will also be required to undergo physical exams and immunizations to ensure that you are not carrying any communicable disease. One of the most important requirements during your application is passing the background checks for criminal records. You will not be allowed to take the tests if you fail the checks. For more information, you can check this site
The state of Illinois makes it easy when it comes to certified nursing aides that come from other counties and states. For them to be able to work in the state, all they have to do is to apply for reciprocity. Once they apply, they will need to provide documents that show their experience and trainings. If a person is a [RN] registered nurse or a [LPN] licensed practical nurse and is in good standing with a valid license from the state of Illinois they are eligible to work as a nurse aide. If the individual is an RN or LPN from another state they will need to be listed on the registry before being eligible to work. They will have to verify that they meet current training standards. For more information one can contact the state registry directly at 217-785-5133 to get additional help.
Pontiac is the county seat of Livingston County. The city was founded back in 1837 by Henry Weed and the two Young brothers, Lucius and Seth. The city was named after a Native American leader. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 11,931 people. Its population density is estimated to be around 2,263.0 / sq mile. Pontiac has a total area of approximately 5.2 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Health care providers that are in the city include Livingston County Pontiac – Health Department, Hough William E Doctor of Osteopathi, Psychology Specialists, Osf Healthcare, Institute for Human Resources, Jordan Kenneth N DO, Heins Robt E DO, Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom