The nursing assistant schools enrolling students in training courses located in Park Ridge, Illinois are listed on this page. These programs have been approved by the state and meet standards of eligibility to take the certification exams. If you have any questions about their programs, feel free to call the number below to speak with an administrator.
Good Heart Training Center
1550 North Northwest Hwy.,
Park Ridge, IL 60068
(847) 803-0400
Samland Institute of Health
2644 Dempster St.,
Park Ridge, IL 60068
(847) 297-3900
If you are looking for a way to enter the medical field, you should consider becoming a nursing assistant. This profession is very in-demand today at different healthcare facilities throughout the U.S. With the increasing demand, there will always be work ready for new graduates. Compared to other courses, the cost for your education is very less costly. The first step in becoming a CNA is to enroll in a training program. When you are still selecting for a program, you must make sure that the program is approved by the state. This is the only way for you to ensure that you will become eligible to apply for the exams after your training. Depending on the nurse aide program that you enroll in, it will take you a few weeks of continuous training. These programs can be found all over the state.
After you complete your training, you can then apply for and take the license exams. One of the most important documents that you will send during your application is the results of your criminal background checks. These checks are done at both federal and state levels. If you fail the background check, you will not be allowed to proceed. While taking the exams you will need to complete two parts to pass, they are a written and a manual demonstration test. After passing you become certified to work as a nurse aide and are listed in the online directory for verification.
This city is a part of Cook County. It is an affluent suburb of Chicago and is a part of the Chicago metropolitan area. As the name of the city suggest, it is situated on a ridge. According to the census of 2000, their total population was around 37,775 residents. It has a population density of 5,374.6 people per square mile. Park Ridge has a total area of approximately 7.1 sq miles, where almost all of it is land. Nearby communities include Des Plaines, Rosemont, O’Hare, Norwood Park, Edison Park, and Niles.
Health care centers that you can find serving this city include Neurology & Neurodiagnostics, Platinum Health Services LLC, City of Park Ridge Save Line, Prime Home Health Services Inc., Ridge Family Physicians, United Shockwave Therapies, Physician Solution, Life Options Health Services Inc., Healthcare Information Services, Mossell Health Care, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom