The nursing assistant training courses that are available in Pampa, Texas are all listed in detail below. The list includes colleges, high schools, and other facilities that offer such programs. Call their phone number for details about how to enroll in classes and certification requirements.
Clarendon College CNA Program
1601 West Kentucky,
Pampa, TX 79056
(806) 665-8801
There are a variety of CNA classes that you can enter in the state of Texas to get a certification in nursing assistance. You must have a license to be able to work in Texas for a long period as a nursing assistant. To receive a certification license you must go through a training course and take the competency exams. Before enrolling in any schools you must make sure they are approved by the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services and meet the requirements set by the state.
Classes will provide you with classroom coursework and theoretical instruction into common nursing related procedures and provide hands-on experience working in a medical setting. During your skills training you will learn how to help patients with the following: range of motion exercises, transporting, toileting, bathing, feeding, infection control, communication, catheter care, housekeeping, and taking vital signs.
The facility you finish your course with will often help you schedule a date to take the competency exams. However, if you need to find a testing location you can try calling NACES, the Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation Services at 1-800-444-5178. The exams are made of two parts, a written and a demonstration part. You are allowed three attempts to pass each exam. Those who fail to pass must retake a training program. Those who are successful are placed on the Texas nurse aide registry for a duration of 24 months. You can check your certification status on the registry by contacting the automated phone line at 1-800-452-3934.
This city is the county seat of Gray County. Pampa was once known as Glasgow, and then Sutton. The name was then changed into its current one, which is after the Pampa grasslands located in South America. As of the latest census taken there, their total population had reached up to a total of 17,887 people. It has a population density of 2,050.0/sq mile. The total area of Pampa is estimated to be about 8.7 sq miles, where all of it is land.
There are plenty of available health care providers that you can choose from; they include Interim HealthCare, Pampa Heart Clinic, Pampa Dialysis Center, Coronado Healthcare Center, Don & Sybil Harrington Cancer Center, Caremor Health Service, Interim Health Care, Women’s Health Clinic, Pampa Physical Therapy, Urology Clinic, and Family Medicine Center of Pampa. photo attribution: codnewsroom