Classes that are open in Othello, Washington to become a nursing assistant are shown listed here. Those who desire to work in health care facilities are required to complete a recognized school course and take the exams. To learn more contact a school and speak to one of their representatives.
Avalon Care Center LLC.
495 North 13th Street,
Othello, WA 99344
(509) 488-9609
If you want to work as a nurse aide in Washington, then you’ll need to have a certification that’s issued by the state’s Department of Health. Before you can apply for a certification, you’ll need to get into the state’s Nurse Aide Registry by either passing the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Examination (NNAAP Exam) or by applying for endorsement.
Nurse Aide Certification through Testing
The NNAAP exam is divided into two parts –a written (oral) test and a skills evaluation. This exam was developed to test the competency of all aspiring nurse aide candidates in terms of knowledge and skills. Testing their competence will help ensure quality care for patients in different healthcare settings. A candidate can only gain entry if he’s able to pass both tests.
Before you can take the exam, you’ll need to establish eligibility by completing a state-approved training program. One of the easiest ways to do this is to enroll in a Nurse Aide Program. When choosing a program to enroll in, just make sure that it’s approved by the state’s Department of Social and Health Services. This will ensure that you’ll receive proper training and be allowed to apply for the NNAAP exam.
Approved training programs consist of 35 hours of classroom instructions and 50 hours of supervised clinical practice. Both theory and practical training are taught at the same time. Every program is required to be headed by a licensed nurse with enough experience working in a long-term care facility. Students will learn about vital signs, mental health, body mechanics, human anatomy, medical terminologies, basic nursing care, communication techniques, and many more.
You can also establish your eligibility by completing at least one semester of Nursing school as a student or graduate. Individuals who completed military training as medics or corpsmen are also allowed to apply immediately. This goes the same for persons who completed other health related training programs such as medication aides or licensed practical nursing.
Nurse Aide Certification through Endorsement
This way of getting a certification is only available to persons who are already certified as nurse aides in other states. This allows them to transfer their certification and work in Washington without the need for testing. To qualify for endorsement, applicants must have a valid certification and a clean record. Once a CNA is entered into the Abuse Registry, he or she will no longer be allowed to work as a nurse aide in any healthcare facility in the state.
This city is a part of Adams County. It is sometimes referred to as the being in the “Heart” of the Columbia Basin Project. You can find this city about a hundred miles southwest from Spokane, and 180 miles east of Seattle. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 7,364 people. It has a total area of about 3.0 sq miles and has a population density of 2,454.7/sq miles.
Examples of health care clinics that are situated in the city include Avalon Healthcare, State of Washington Othello Cso, Columbia Basin Health Association, 14th Avenue Medical Center, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom