Classes for one to find out how to be a nursing assistant in North Miami, Florida are all listed in detail below. For more information about the certified training that is open for enrollment and approved by the state, please call the number for one of the schools provided below.
North Miami Adult Center Nurse Assistant Program
800 Northeast 137th Street
North Miami, Florida 33161
(305) 891-6590
There are different ways for you to become a nursing assistant. One of the most common ways is by passing the state-approved CNA training program and then applying for the license exams. You can find that the programs in this state are offered by colleges and some nursing homes. Most training can be accomplished within 6 months and may be shorter or longer, depending on the school you enroll in. To finish a program, you must have at least 75 hours in lectures and 100 hours of clinical exposure.
After the completion of your training you can then apply for the license exams, provided you completed the other requirements. Examples of such requirements include having a high school diploma, being at least 18 years, old, and knowing how to read and write. When you apply, you will also include along with the documents the payments for the exams and the background checks. You will not be allowed to take the exams if you do not pass the background checks. According to the state rules, all payments will not be refunded if you fail any part of the exams including the background checks.
If you are already a CAN from a different state, you will no longer be required to take the license exams. You will also have different requirements that must be submitted when applying for reciprocity. You must provide a copy of your certification, exam results, as well as the results to your background checks.
This is a suburban city that is situated in the northeastern part of Miami-Dade County. It is just a few miles north of Miami itself. North Miami is considered as the 4th largest city in the county. According to the 2007 census, their total population was around 56,185 people. Its total area is about 10.0 sq miles and has a population density of 7,080.0/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can find serving the city include Berkshire Manor, Catholic Home Health Services of Dade, Dental Health Associates, American Health Associates, Holistic Psychology, PRO Health Care, Healthcare, and many more. photo attribution: usdagov