The nursing assistant classes that are located in Nebraska City, NE are found in detail on this page. Enrolling in one of these training programs will make you eligible to take the exams which are necessary to receive your license. To learn more about enrollment, call to speak with a course director.
Southeast Community College
1800 14th Ave., Nebraska City, NE 68410
(402) 471-3333
Before you enroll in a CNA training program, you must make sure that the program is authorized by the state. It is the state’s Department of Health that determines if the program meets the standards of the state or not. The program curriculum should meet the minimum set of hours that was set up by both the state and the federal government.
Currently in Nebraska certification training must meet or exceed 75 hours of instruction. The program you enroll in should contain both class lectures and hands-on clinical practice. While practicing, the student will be supervised by a registered nurse and learn the fundamental health care provider skills needed for the job. After completion of the course you can apply to take the nurse aide certification exams. The competency exams are split in to two parts, a written test, and a manual skills test. You will be notified within 30 days whether your tests were successfully passed. At this time you will be placed on the state registry and eligible to get a job as a nursing assistant.
An individual who was not able to work as a paid nursing assistant for the last 2 years will have their status on the Registry removed. In order to renew it, one must retake the competency evaluation exams. This means that the nursing assistant must again pass both the written and the skills evaluation exam. He will not be able to work in any healthcare facility as an NA until his results have been posted on the Registry or if the facility has been given a copy of the examination results.
For retesting the individual must take it in an approved testing site. The results of the exams will be given on the same day. The scores will then be forwarded to the Registry so that they will be posted. Please allow at least 3 weeks for the Registry to post the scores and update the individual’s records.
For those who were entered onto the Registry in before 1989 and were “grandfathered” are not eligible to take the retests. These individuals are mostly those who only took a 30-hour course. In order to get reactivated, they will need to enroll in a 75-hour course and take the competency exams afterwards.
Nebraska City is the county seat of Otoe County. It is also known as “The Home of Arbor Day”. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 7,289 people. They have a population density of 1,633.6/sq mile. The total area of the city is estimated to be around 4.4 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Health care centers and providers that are located in the area include Thomson Dean R MD, Blum Stacey MD, Vasa Brad MD, Mead Lumber DO IT Best, Linder Max W MD, Rademacher Gary L MD, Stuart Jim DR, Nebraska City Medical Clinic, Family Medical Care, and many more. photo attribution: salforduniversity