The nurse aide schools that offer programs in Lincolnwood, Illinois that are currently open for student trainees are listed in detail below. If you have any questions about enrolling in a program, class schedules, the cost of tuition, or requirements of the certification test, please call the phone number provided below.
Dependable Nursing Home Health Services
4656 West Touhy Ave., Lincolnwood, IL 60712
(847) 677-2919
If you are planning to become a nursing assistant, you should know what the different requirements of the state are. First of all, you should receive the proper training by enrolling in a CNA training program. These programs are located all over the state and are offered by different institutions like colleges, high schools, and nursing homes. Most of the programs that are offered by the state can be completed within a matter of 6 months of continuous training. It is very important that when you complete your training, you will meet the hiring requirements of different nursing facilities.
As a nursing assistant student, you will be taught different topics like infection control, mental health, medical terms, and communication techniques. You will also be taught different basic nursing skills like bed bath, assisting in feeding, dressing, performing ROM exercises, as well as different emergency procedures. The things you learn during your training will be tested during the state’s license exams. Classes need to offer forty hours of instruction and hands on experience in a nursing environment to qualify you to take the exam.
The license exams for this state are composed of a written and a skills demonstration exam. In order to get your name entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry you must take and pass the test then you will become able to work in Illinois.Keep in mind that the state no longer requires the testing centers to give out licenses or certificates when an applicant passes the license exams.
This is a village that is located in Cook County. It was formerly known as Tessville. You can find this village about 10 miles from the Loop of Cook County. You can also find the North Shore Sanitation Canal at the eastern border of this village. It has a current population of 12,400 people. Its total area is approximately 2.7 square miles, where all of it is land. Lincolnwood has a population density of an estimated 4,593 per square mile.
The Evanston Hospital and Saint Francis Hospital are two of the main hospital that are serving this village. Other hospitals from other areas that are serving this village are Skokie Hospital and the Resurrection Hospital. Health care clinics that you can find in this village include A Women’s Aid Clinic Inc., Choice Health Care Services Inc., Omega Community Healthcare Organization, Tri Angels Therapy Netwprk Inc., and Best Home Health Services. photo attribution: codnewsroom