The nurse aide classes in LaBelle, Florida that are being offered as of the making of this post are all shown on this page. If you have any questions about their certified nursing assistant classes, please call the number provided below.
Edison State College
1092 E. Cowboy Way
Labelle, FL 33935
Labelle Adult Community School
4050 Calvary Way,
Labelle, FL 33935
(863) 674-4118
Before you can handle patients as a nursing assistant, you must first receive the proper training and education. You can find all that you need when you enroll in a training program. These programs are being offered by colleges, high schools, and some healthcare settings. The program that you enroll in must be approved by the state so that you will become eligible to take the competency examinations afterwards. These programs will take about 6 months to complete, depending on what you enroll in. Your training will be composed of 75 hours of theoretical lessons and 100 hours of skills training.
After you complete the program, you can then apply for the license exams that are conducted by Prometric. To complete your application, you must submit other important paperwork like your transcript of records, fingerprint cards, ID photo, passport sized pictures, and the payment for the background checks. The background check for criminal records is also one of the most important requirements for the license exams. You will not be allowed to proceed and take the exams if you fail this part. Failing any test will not make you eligible for any refunds. For more information about the requirements, you can call the Nurse Aide Registry at (850) 245-4567 or visit
This city is the county seat of Hendry County. It was named after Laura and Belle Hendry, daughters of pioneer cattleman Francis A. Hendry. According to the latest census, their total population was around 4,480 people. It has a total area of approximately 3.6 sq miles, where less than 1% of it is water. Its population density is estimated to be 1,169.4/sq mile.
Health care centers that you can find serving the city include Advanced Mobility & Medical Depot, Diabetes Care Club, DDC- DNA Diagnostics Center, G & G Treatment Center, CPAP, Trusted Hands, Gulfshore Dental Associates LLC, and Big Lake Hospice. photo attribution: usaghumphreys