The nursing assistant training provided by community colleges and public schools in Kankakee, Illinois are listed on this page. These programs have met state standards and have been licensed by the registry for meeting certification requirements. For more information about how to start your instruction, curriculum, schedules, or training cost, please call the school phone number below.
Kankakee Community College
100 College Drive,
Kankakee, IL 60901
(815) 933-0260
Kankakee High School
1200 W Jeffery Street,
Kankakee, IL 60901
(815) 933-0740
Before you enroll in a nursing assistant program you have to make sure that the program you are enrolling into is approved by the state of Illinois. CNA programs that are approved by the state of Illinois provide forty hours of instruction and hands-on practical teaching of nurses aide skills you’ll need on the job. Once you have finished your instruction you can apply to take the certification exam.
There are different ways for you to become a nurse aide in this state. One of the most common and easiest ways is to enroll in a nurse assistant program. These programs will equip you will all the necessary knowledge and skills to take care of your future patients/residents. When you are still looking for a program to enroll in, it is good to keep in mind that for you to become eligible to apply for the license exams, you need to enroll in a state-approved program.
These programs are required by the state to offer their students at least forty hours of clinical training, which will already include the needed course work. Most of the students’ time will be divided into lectures and skills training. The student will also have the opportunity to engage with actual patient/residents as well as different members of the healthcare team when they go into their clinical rotations. Some of the skills trainees will practice are: transporting patients, measuring & recording vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, respiration, temperature), CPR, first aid, Heimlich Maneuver, infection control measures, catheter care, sub acute, nutrition, housekeeping, range of motion exercises, restorative care, and resident care.
After the training, the next important state is to pass the license exams. If you pass both the tests (written and demonstration), your name will be entered on the registry. Only those whose names are on the registry will be allowed to work in any healthcare setting as a nursing assistant.For more details about registry qualifications you can contact them at 217-785-5133.
This city is the county seat of Kankakee County. It is a primary city of the Kankakee–Bradley Metropolitan Statistical Area. The area was originally inhabited by the Potawatami before they were asked to leave. It was only in 1854 that the city was founded. According to the census of 2009, their total population was around 26,840 residents. The city has a total area of approximately 12.8 square miles, where 0.5 square miles of it is water. Its population density is estimated to be around 2,239.8 / sq mile.
Health care centers that can found in the city include Kankakee Urgent Care, Kankakee County Health Department, Riverside Medical Center, Aunt Martha’s Health Center Kankakee, Physician Referral Service of Riverside Community Healthcare, Provena St Mary’s Hospital – Speech Pathology, Precision Medical Services Inc., Medcentre Laboratories, Physician Referral Service of Riverside Medical Center River Source, Community Health Partnership of Illinois, and Provena St Mary’s Dialysis Centre. photo attribution: codnewsroom