The college and public school nursing assistant classes in Joliet, Illinois that are currently available are listed on this page. Call the training school listed below and speak with a program administrator to find out how to enroll, the cost of instruction, requirements, and program curriculum.
Joliet Junior College
1215 Houbolt Road, Joliet, IL 60431
(708) 613-0484
Joliet Township High School
110 Collins Street, Joliet, IL 60432
(815) 727-6810
For you to become a nursing assistant, you must meet the different requirements of the state. One of the first things that you must do is to enroll in a state certified training course. The course can either be a CNA training course or a nursing course. The benefit of choosing a nursing assistant training course is that it does not take that long to finish. Most of the training courses available in the area can be completed within 24 weeks of training.
As a nursing assistant student, you will be educated and trained in all the things that you will need to take care of the patients. You will learn different concepts like infection control, mental health, therapeutic communications skills, rehabilitation, and different medical terms. You will also be trained on the basic nursing competency skills. The course you enroll in must offer at least 40 hours of practical clinical duties in a nursing facility, like a nursing home.
After you complete your training, what you have learned will be tested during the competency examinations. These exams are composed of a written and a skills evaluation. If you pass all the exams, your name will be entered in the state’s nurse aide registry. If you fail, you will be given two more chances to pass. Failing for the third time will automatically mean that you have to undergo retraining if you want to take the exams again.Certification means you are listed in the state online registry for a duration of two years. Workers can re-up their active status by sending verification of time spent on the job. Call 217-785-5133 to speak with a customer representative of the registry to find out more about necessary qualifications.
The City of Joliet is the county seat of Will County. Some portions of the city however, fall under Kendall County. Back, when the town was founded, it used to be a part of Cook County. It was only in 1836 that it became the county seat of Will County. This city is considered to be one of the fastest growing cities in the country. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 147,433 people. It is the 4th most populous city in the state. The total area of the city is 38.35 sq miles, where 0.29 square miles of it is water.
Examples of health care providers that are serving this city include Joliet Behavioral Health & Associates, Hedges Clinic, SC, Internal Medicine & Family Practice, Ottawa Regional Medical Center, Physicians Immediate Care, St Francis Health Center, Will County Medical Associates, SC, Regional Care Association, Allergy & Asthma Clinic, S.C., and Illiana Sleep Center Inc. If you know of other certified nursing assistant classes that are being offered in the area, please contact us and we will add them to the page. photo attribution: codnewsroom