The nurse aide programs in Groveland,Florida that are shown on this page offer the most recent classes that are open for enrollment. Contact the school to get more information about enrolling in state licensed certification training.
South Lake High School Nursing Assistant Training Program
15600 Silver Eagle Road,
Groveland, FL 34736
You cannot work in this state if you do not have a CNA license. If you are already a holder of a nurse aide certification/license, then you may work in Florida by applying for reciprocity. When you apply, you will need to provide several proofs that will show your training and experience. You will need to show then a copy of your certification/license, your exam results, and the results for the background checks for criminal records. Having records such as theft, offenses involving drugs and violence, negligence, malpractice, or patient abuse may be grounds for rejecting your application. Since you already have a license, you will no longer be required to take this state’s license exam. During your application, you have to make sure that your license has an active status.
For those who still do not have a license and wants to become a nursing assistant, you have to comply with different requirements before you can apply for the license exams. The most important prerequisites for the exams are the completion of a training program and passing the background checks which are done at both federal and state levels. These training programs will take you about 6 months to complete, depending on the program you enroll in. Other requirements include submitting necessary documents such as transcript of records, ID photo, passport sized pictures, fingerprint cards, as well as the payments for the different exam fees.
This city can be found in Lake County. It is a part of the Orlando–Kissimmee Metropolitan Statistical Area. You can also find this city situated at the intersection of State Road 19 and State Road 33/50. According to the last census, their total population was around 7,647 people. It has a population density of 790/sq miles and a total area of 3 sq mile.
Examples of health care providers that you can find serving the city include G & G Treatment Center, DDC- DNA Diagnostics Center, The Medicine Chest, Omni Home Care, Walgreens Home Medical, Elder Alert Systems, CPAP, Diabetes Care Club, Trusted Hands, Comfort Keepers, and Interim Healthcare. photo attribution: rocketboom