The nursing assistant schools that are open in Great Falls, Montana as of the making of this page are shown to you below. By enrolling you will gain experience to help you pass the competency examination and be able to receive your certification. If you wish to know the requirements for their program, just call the facility phone number.
Benefis Health Care
2621 15th Ave. South,
Great Falls, MT 59405
(406) 455-5000
The first step in gaining entry onto the Nurse Aide Registry is to complete a state-certified NA training program. You can find these programs almost anywhere in the state being offered by different institutions because of the high demand for the profession. Most of the programs that are found in Montana can be completed within 6 months of training.
After the training program, the next step is to take on the license exams. Before you take the exams, you will need to apply for it first. When applying, you will need to submit the results for your TB tests, the results of your background check for criminal records, physical examination results, immunization records, passport sized pictures, ID photo, and fingerprint cards. The exams are composed of a written and a skills demonstration exam. You must pass all the tests in order to get your name on the Registry. Once your name is there, you will need to renew your license every two years in order to remain eligible to work as a nursing aide.
If you already have a nursing assistant certification in another state, you can still work as a CNA in Montana by taking their reciprocity program. Nurse aide license holders from other states may work in Montana by submitting the Interstate Endorsement Application forms. When they apply, they must still have an active license and a good relationship with their state. You should contact the Board of Nursing and then submit the form and other requirements which are needed. Such documents would include a copy of your certification, a certificate showing that you have finished a state-approved training program, a record showing that you have not committed any neglect or abuse of a resident while working as a health care worker in that state, and passing the state and federal criminal background check.
This city is the county seat of Cascade County. It is a primary city of the Great Falls, Montana Metropolitan Statistical Area. The name of the city was taken from the series of five waterfalls that are near along the upper Missouri River basin. It is also known as The Electric City. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 58,505 people. The city has a total area of 19.9 sq miles and a population density of 2,909.1/sq mile.
Health care centers that are found in the area include Great Falls Clinic, Integrative Medicine Clinic, Missouri River Healthcare, Great Falls Clinic Northwest, Monarc Injury Center, Montana Dermaesthetics, Montana Epilepsy Program, Indian Family Health Clinic, Planned Parenthood Of Montana, Great Falls Clinic Surgery Center, Great Falls Clinic Immediate Care, City-County Health Department, and many more.