If you want to enroll in a nurse aide training course in Granite City, Illinois you can find the ones available for you are listed on this page. If you have any questions about the cost to enroll, program curriculum, or instruction dates, please call the number for the program.
Southwestern Illinois College
4950 Maryville Rd.,
Granite City, IL 62040
(618) 931-0600
One of the many ways to become a nursing assistant in Illinois is to enroll in a CNA training program. When you are selecting for a program to enroll in, you should keep in mind to only enroll in a program that is approved by the state. This is to ensure that you will be allowed to take the competency exams after you complete your training.
Most of the program that are offered in the state can be completed within a matter of a few weeks. Aside from the completion of a license program, those who enrolled in a nursing related course, like LPN, may also apply for the exams. All they have to make sure is that they must have covered the Fundamentals of Nursing and have at least 40 hours of training while they are enrolled.
The competency exams for this state have two parts, a written and a skills evaluation exam. To get your name entered in the nurse aide registry, you have to pass both parts. The [SIU-C], Southern Illinois University at Carbondale provides the written segment of the exam at testing locations around the state. Every applicant is allowed to take the exams three times. If you fail after the third attempt, you must then undergo retraining if you want to retake the exams.
This city is a part of Madison County. It is also included in the Greater Saint Louis metropolitan area.This city was founded back in 1896 and was given its current name by the e Niedringhaus brothers. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 29,849 people. This makes them the third most populous city in Southern Illinois and Metro-East. The population density of the city is estimated to be 1,876.2 per square mile. Granite city has a total area of about 17.2 sq miles, where only 16.7 square miles of it is land. Major roads that you can access from this city include Interstates 255, 270, 64, and 55.
Health care centers and providers that you can see serving Granite City, IL include Granite City Chiropractic, Lab Corp Koch Health Center, Mid America Clinical Research, Southern Illinois Healtcare Foundation, Heartland Health Care, Providence Occupational Health, Physical Medicine Clinic of Granite City LTD, Heartland Healthcare, National Alliance On Mental Illness, and many more. photo attribution: usdagov