The certified nursing assistant schools in Gibsonton, Florida that are shown on this page are all the programs currently approved and are open for you to enroll in. Contact the school to get more details about the cost of instruction, program requirements, and how to sign up for classes.
East Bay Adult Community School
7710 Big Bend Road,
Gibsonton, Florida 33534
(813) 672-5113
The license exams for this state are being offered by Prometric. You can only take their exams if you have completed the necessary requirements like the completion of a CNA program and pass the federal and state background checks. Taking this test is a necessary step since the state does not allow its nurse aides to work without a license.
Their license exams are composed of a written and a skills demonstration exam. To get your name entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry, you have to pass all the tests. There is no partial passing for any tests. If you fail any exam, you will have to take the two of them all over again. Failing will also not make you eligible for any refunds. If you do pass the exams, you will receive a notice along with your certification 14 days from taking the exams. Submitting all necessary documents will help hasten up the release of your results.
If you already have a license from a different state, you will no longer be required to take the exams in Florida. You will also be required to submit a different set of documents. The state will ask you to provide a copy of your license/certification, your exam results, and the results for the background checks. To be eligible for this type of application, your license should be active when you apply.
Gibsonton is a census-designated place that is a part of Hillsborough County. It has a total area of approximately 13.7 square miles, where almost all of it is land. Its total population was around 14,234 residents during the 2010 census. It has a population density of 1,039/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers whose services you can avail in the city include CPAP, Professional Medical Transcription Services Inc., Southshore Dental Excellence, Young Smiles, University Park Dermatology, Trident National Corp, DDC- DNA Diagnostics Center, Trusted Hands, Diabetes Care Club, and many more. photo attribution: rocketboom