The certified nursing assistant classes in Fruitland Park, Florida that are shown on this page are all the programs that are currently being offered. Call the school to get details about the requirements of their training program, instruction schedules, and cost of tuition.
NTI-Nursing Assistant Training at Holy Trinity Church
02201 Spring Lake Road,
Fruitland Park, Florida 34731
(352) 323-9309
Your first step in becoming a nurse aide is choosing a nurse aide program that you will enroll in. The program has to be state-approved so that you can make sure that you will be allowed to take the license exams after you complete your training. These programs are being offered by colleges, high schools, and certain healthcare institutions. They offer the students 75 hours of classes and 100 hours of hands-on training.
As a nursing student, you will be taught in different necessary skills that you will use to take care of the patients like vital signs taking, bed bath, catheter care, offering and removing a bedpan, assist in ambulation, dressing, performing ROM exercises and other basic care skills. While still a student, you will already have the opportunity to experience firsthand what a real clinical area is like. You will be placed under the supervision of a registered nurse working there or a trained member of the healthcare team. This type of experience will give you a strong foundation for your career. For more information, you can call the Florida’s Nurse Aide Registry at (850) 245-4567.
After the completion of your training, you can then apply for the state’s license exams. This step is a necessary one since Florida does not allow its CNAs to work without one. If you pass all the tests, you will get your certification/license 14 days after taking the exams.
Fruitland Park is a part of Lake County. It is also a part of the Orlando–Kissimmee Metropolitan Statistical Area. According to the census of 2008, their total population was around 4,293 people. It has a total area of approximately 3.7 sq miles and has a population density of 861/sq mile. This city was originally called Gardenia and was founded by M. Calvin Lee.
Examples of health care providers that you can find in the area include DDC- DNA Diagnostics Center, Elder Alert Systems, Florida Palliative of Lake Marion & Sumter Counties, Silver Lake Family Dentistry, Etheredge Chiropractic, Trusted Hands, Interim Healthcare, and many more. photo attribution: rocketboom