The most recent certified nursing assistant classes that you can enroll in the city of Freeport, Illinois are shown on this page. To get details about class schedules, the requirements of the training program, cost of tuition or certification requirements, contact the school using the phone numbers found below.
Career Tec
2037 West Galena Ave., Freeport, IL 61032
(815) 232-0709
Highland Community College
2998 West Pearl City Rd., Freeport, IL 61032
(815) 235-6121
The state of Illinois requires that students of their nursing assistant training programs have at least 40 hours’ worth of lectures and hands-on clinical experience. They will also need to acquire the basic nursing skills that are going to be used in taking care of a patient.
Upon completion of a nursing assistant program you can submit an application to be able to take the certification exam. There are a few different points that are different from other states. The nurse aide courses in this state are no longer required by the state to issue certifications to the student upon the completion of their training course. The training center or testing centers may still do so if they wish but keeping a certificate is not a requirement to be a CNA in this state. In order to validate that the individual is a certified practitioner, the state has set-up an online registry containing all the names of certified nursing assistants. Employers can check here the credentials of their applicants before hiring them.
Most states have licenses that expire every two years. If their nursing assistants wish to continue their jobs, they must renew it before then. In this state, the only way you can lose the validity of your certification is if you are not able to work as a nursing assistant for more than 24 months. In order to apply for recertification, you have to undergo a competency exam. The competency exams will still be composed of a written and a skills demonstration exam. When performing the skills demonstration, the individual must do so in front of an evaluator. For more information, you can visit this site You can also call the registry help line to get answers to any questions you have at 217-785-5133.
This city is the county seat of Stephenson County. The city was originally known as Winneshiek. According to the census of 2000, their total population was around 26,443 people. It has a total area of approximately 11.4 sq. miles, where 0.7 square miles of it is water. The population density of the city is estimated to be 2,316.9 / sq. mile.
Health care providers that you can find in the area include FHN Family Healthcare Centers, Aih Complementary Medicine, Coventry Healthcare, Advanced Hearing Healthcare, Fhn Memorial Hospital, New Horizons Counseling Center, Monroe Clinic Freeport Eye Care, Family Planning Clinic, Camelot Endodontic, Schram Chiropractic, Freeport Family Chiropractic & Acupuncture, and many more. photo attribution: sanjoselibrary