The nursing assistant classes in Ennis, Texas that are listed here are all the available programs that you can enroll in as of the moment. If you have any questions about enrolling in course instruction, please call the phone numbers provided below.
Odd Fellow and Rebekah Nursing Home
2300 South Oak Grove Rd.,
Ennis, TX 75119
(972) 875-8643
Claystone CNA Program
1107 South Clay Street,
Ennis, TX 75119
(972) 878-5888
Ennis Care Center Nurse Assistant Course
1200 South Hall,
Ennis, TX 75119
(972) 875-9051
You will need to submit some identification, and consent to a state and federal background check before you can enroll in a nurse aide certification training program. You will want to make sure the school you select has been licensed by the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services. Approved programs will enable you to take the state competency exam upon completion which enables you to work as a nursing assistant in the state.
While you are involved in the class you will receive two types of instruction, classroom lectures/coursework, and clinical skills training. during the classroom instruction you will learn a variety of general theoretical health care procedures training. For the clinical instruction you will get hands-on practice performing many of the common activities nurse aides use while on the job. Some of the tasks you will practice are: transporting patients, feeding, bathing, toileting, range of motion exercises, taking vitals (pulse, blood pressure, respiration), infection control procedures, catheter care, and housekeeping exercises.
When you have finished the training requirement your school can set a time for you to take the license exams. You can also call the Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation Services to find a testing facility for the competency exam by calling 1-800-444-5178 or (512) 467-0615.
When you take the test you’ll find that it is split into two parts. These are a manual skills test and a written test. The manual skills test will be set in a medical setting and you will be tasked with demonstrating five different activities that are randomly chosen. For the written test you will need to answer 70 problems found on a multiple choice test. Each person who takes the exams are allowed three attempts for each of the two parts.
Those who pass are listed as active on the Texas nurse aide registry. You receive a certification about 4-6 weeks after your test date and are eligible to work for 24 months before you need to renew your status. You can call the 24hour help line to check your certification status at 1-800-452-3934.
Texas is open to CNAs that come from other states. If they wish to work in Texas they can apply for reciprocity. When they apply, they should make sure that they have an active license and a good relationship with the state they came from. They should be able to pass the criminal background check. Aside from those, they will be required to submit some documents that prove their training.
Ennis is a suburb of Dallas. It is a part of Ellis County. You locate this city in the Northeastern part of the state. It is about 39 miles south from Dallas and is northeast from Waco. As of the 2010 census, their total population had reached up to a total of 18,513 people. It had a population density of 891.7/sq mile. The total area of Ennis is estimated to be 18.4 square miles, where all of it is land.
There are plenty of health care facilities that are located in the area, they include Southwestern Surgery Center, Ellis County Eye Center, Ennis Regional Medical Center Specialty Clinic, Peak Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Center of Ennis, Haven Home Health, Ellis County Kidney Disease Center, and Advantage Healthcare Systems. photo attribution: codnewsroom